Why didn't he stay? -Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes to a room. The walls were made out of logs. So I was guessing that I was in a log cabin. There was a dresser with cat nicknacks on it. Next to bed was a little draw table. On the table was a glass of water and some Ibuprofens. Thats when I realized that I had a major headache. I picked up the glass trying not to spill and popped the pills in my mouth.

I laid down for a minute and my headache was getting better. Now it was time to find out how I got here. I pulled the silk cover off me. I sat up in the bed. Thats when I notice a cloth around my leg. I unwrapped it to see a big blood splotch. I looked around to see if there was anything that I could rewrap it with. There was some cloth on the dresser so I used that to wrap my leg. I got up and limbed to the door. I could hear someone in the other room. I creaked my door open just a tiny bit. I peaked throught to see... a old lady. She had long gray hair. She was wearing a dark blue shirt with jeans. It looked like she was cooking something on the stove. I went to open the door more and the door creaked. She turned around and gave me a big warm smile. But what caught my eyes was her light green eyes. The Wolf.

The one that saved me from the car. The one that ran into the road. But why? 

“Hello there, Deary.” She said in her singy songy voice.

“Hi?” I said confused.

“Come sit down. I made Meatloaf just for you!” she waves me over.

I sit down on the bar stool and she sets a plate in front of me. It had a big piece of meatloaf with some carrots and potatoes on the side. I was starving but I didn’t know this lady and I didn’t know what she actually did to this food. She looks at me concerned.

“Isn’t this your favorite?” How did she know that? Only my... family... Taylor and Candy knew that I loved meatloaf.

“Oh, I understand,” She said as if she forgot something. “I forgot to introduce myself, Hi my name is Betty. I’m your grandmother.” Everything frezzed. Wait I thought Grama Betty was dead. Well either she didn’t die or she’s a Vampire. said my inner wolf. I sniffed a little but didn’t smell anything but the meatloaf. Maybe she using it to hide her scent. I looked inside her mind. Then everything went white. I saw Me as a little baby in her arms. Then it switched to a scene of when I was 5 and Grama Betty had brought me my christmas gift. It was a bracelet with a wolf as a charm. I had put it on her grave when she “died”. Then all I could see was black. I opened my to see my grandmother hovering over me. I sat and realized I was on the floor. The meatloaf was on the floor with the carrots and potatoes  all over the room. 

“What happend?” I said while Betty helped me up on to the bar stool.

“You fainted while reaching into my mind,” She said while picking up the meatloaf and shattered plate. “I guess your mother wasn’t the only one who could do it.” My mother was werewolf. How much stuff does this lady know that I don’t?

“Have some of this?” She said giving me some Ibuprofens and a glass of water. I looked at the clock to see I had been out for 2 hours. It was now 1 o’clock. 

“Had did I get here?” I said. She looked at me like I was crazy.

“I don’t know. I was fixing my truck in the garage when a knock came at the door. I opened the door to find you laying there naked with a bag and note on you.” She passes me the bag which has my bra and panties. Plus Josh’s white t-shirt. He must be worried sick. Then she handed me the note.

Dear Ginny,

               I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet. I’m really sorry about your leg. I hope sometime in the future we can meet.

Stay Out Of Trouble,


P.S. Betty take care of her. Bring her back to the academy where she’s safe.

Who was G.E.B and what did it stand for? But what was the most important questione I asked myself was, Why didn’t he stay?


Who has a guess on who G.E.B stands for?

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