Chapter 10 - Run Away Date

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Picture: Mysterious Wolf

I can’t believe I actually did that!” I said blushing.

“It was so Awesome though!” Josh said. We where both soaked. We had jumped of the cliff into the lake that was near the party. At first I was so scared. But then Josh took my hand and I couldn’t have felt any safer. We where now in his car driving back to the academy. He had given me a blanket that was in the tool box in the bed of the truck. 

“Ummm.... Do you want a pair of clothes to change into?” he hesitated to ask.

“Sure.” I said unsure. He pulled a white shirt that was behind my seat. He handed it to me. I kinda sat there awkwardly. I didn’t know if I should just pull my dress off and put the shirt on or if I should ask him to pull over so I could change outside the truck.

“Do you want me to pull over so you” He asked.

“No, Its ok.” I blurted out. I didn’t even think before I said it. It was like as if my mouth was being controlled. I took the blanket off and pulled my dress off. I was know in my black Victoria Secrets bra and black panties. I pulled the shirt on and realized that you could see everything under the shirt. I looked over at josh to see him checking me out. When he noticed I saw him. He looked away and started to blush. When he blushed it made him look hot.

Wow! What if you had said that out loud? Ha You would have made yourself look like a complete fool.” Said my inner wolf. Oh Shut up. We just sat there awkwardly. Not Talking. I decided to turn the radio on. When I turned it on I started to go through the channels. I stopped on T.O.S. One of my favorite songs by You Me At Six came on. I started singing it not even worrying that Josh would hear me.

[Oli Sykes]

Just forget what you've learned

Just forget what you've heard

The truth just confirmed

I can't bear the sight of you anymore.

You've become what I hate

Sold yourself for a bit of fame

Now that the wolves have closed the door

You wanna drag me down some more

Fuck you

Fuck you

You keep me on the edge of my seat

I bite my tongue so you don't hear me

I wanna hate every part of you in me

I can't hate the ones who made me

It was my favorite part of the song. Oli Skyes was an inspiration to me. All his songs made since to me. Most people would say that he was a bad person or a horrible singer. But I was different I guess. He was my Idol. 

“You are a lot different then most of the girls I know.” Josh said which broke my train of thought. 

“How?” I said confused.He stared at me for a couple of secounds before answering.

“No girl I know would have jumped of that cliff or Have song screamo music in front of people,” he stopped. He smirked. “Or would have gotten half way naked in front of me.” He said which made me blush. I tried to look away so he wouldn’t see. He put his finger under my chin a gently turned my face so I was looking at him.

“Don’t hide your beautiful face. The blushing just makes you even more cute.” I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there staring into his eyes. Then before I could say anything he kissed me. His tongue licked my lips for excess. I opened my mouth and our tongues twisted together. Thats when in my preverbal vision I saw something jump in the road. I pulled back a screamed. Josh pressed on the breaks which sent my head hitting the dashboard. I looked up to see if we had ran into whatever it was that had jumped into the road. I was astonished. A big black wolf almost as big as I was in wolf form. But what caught my eyes where the its green eyes. They looked so familiar. 

“The first day you where at the academy.” My inner wolf said. Those where the green eyes I had seen before I passed out. The wolf gave me a sorrow look and ran off into the other side of the forest. I jumped out of the car and ran after it into the forest. As I got deeper into the forest I could hear Josh calling out to me. Every step I took his voice got fainter. The footprints the wolf had left behind where gone. The just vanished. I looked around the darkness and couldn’t see anything. I did the only thing knew to do. I throw my clothes off and changed into my wolf form. I sniffed the air for a scent. I finally got the scent of the wolf. It was a male. But that was all I could figure out from the scent. I followed the trail of the scent. I ran for what felt like hours. The scent kept getting stronger and stronger. All of a sudden I was falling. I couldn’t stop. Finally I stopped at the bottom of the hill. I tried to get up but instead let out a whimper and feel back down to the leaf covered ground. I knew I had broken something. I turned back into my human form and just laid there crying. My eyelids feel. I was so tired all of a sudden. I let myself fall asleep. I just kept imaging those green eyes filled with sorrow. 

The next thing I knew I was moving. I opened my eyelids to brightness. I could defiantly tell it was morning. My body was numb though. After awhile my body started to get feeling again. I felt to arms caring me with gentleness. I opened my eyes to see a male figure. I couldn’t see his face features. But I felt safe. Even if I didn’t know this person. But it felt like I did know this person. For awhile. But before I could think anymore I feel back into a deep sleep with the smell of the pine trees.

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