Finding Beauty - Chapter 8

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This is Dedicated to GothGirl99 for encourging me to do longer chapter's!!!

Chapter 8

Ginny POV

OMG I can’t belive that just happened!! I just kissed Tyler. He was really cute with his Dark brown hair and blue eye’s, but I didn’t think I would kiss him. Like he was way out of my league.As I was thinking I acidently ran in to someone. I was falling. I knew that this was going to be embarrasing!! I was for the ground to collide with my butt but nothing happened. Then I relised that the person caught me.They’re arms where around waist. Great job. My inner wolf chuckled When I opened my eye’s all I could see was my brown hair. When I felt my feet touch the ground again, I pulled my hair out of my face. That’s when I relised that the persons arm’s where still around my waist. When I looked up. There was Josh with his brown hair hanging in front of his eye’s.We stared at each other for what felt like 5 hours. Then he pulled his arms off from where the where placed on my waist. I was kinda disappointed. WAIT WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT!? I was so confused.

“Ummmm...... Hey.” Josh said in his heavanly voice that made me melt every time I heard it. Josh was also a wolf. (In case you where woundering!!)

“Uhh... Hey.” I said.I didn’t know what to say. It seem’s that whenever I’m around Josh I can’t get anything out of my mouth.

“Do you want to go to a party with me?,” He said fast. I was trying to answer but I kept choking on my words. “ Not as a date or anything but as friends?” When he said that something inside off me hurt. I don’t know why or where but I felt the pain.He looked at me with worry in his eye’s but then he saw that I noticed and his face went back to emotinless.

“Yes.” I said without relising I even said it. I saw him smile for a secound.

“ Great. The party is tommorow at 7. When do you want me to come get you?’’ He said with a girly voice.I hit him on the shoulder and we both started laughing. I started to walk away as I said with the most teenage high pitched voice that I could.



“We have to go shopping!!” Taylor squaked. I told her about how Josh asked me to got to the party with him. I haven’t told her or anyone about Me and Tyler kissing though. I didn’t know if I should or not.

“But I have plenty of clothes right in my closet.” I whined.

“Yeah if you where going to the bar but your going to a party!!” She said.

“What’s the difference?” I said with curiousty.

“ First you need some new shoes! Secound I need new shoes! and Third your going with someone,”

“Just as friends!” I cut her off.

“Whatever!!! You can still look pretty without a rip in everything!!” She said.

“But....,” Before I could even finsh my sentence, She threw my jacket and shoes at me.

“Come on!!! Plzzzzz” she begged like a child.

“ Fine” I said. I can’t belive I’m doing this.

“Yay,” she screamed. “We are taking my car!” She said as we walked out the door. All the way out to her car, she talked about what stores we had to go to and what stores had speical out of state clothes. I really wasn’t listening. For some reason I had a feeling that something wasn’t right, but I nodged it off. We got into her red convertible. I never really liked this types of cars but I loved the way the wind went through my hair. I turned the radio up and my favorite song came on. Leona Lewis - Bleeding of Love. I decided to sing to it.

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