Chapter Twelve

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Xander's car pulled up at the front of Theresa's apartment I thanked him before placing my hand on the car handle to open it but he stopped me,grabbing me by my wrist, I looked towards him to give him a pointed look.
"Mia" he called and I nodded urging him to go on with what he was about to say.
"I care about you...alot. I never stopped even when I saw those divorce papers, I couldn't stop my self from caring about  you" he said
"I never stopped caring about you too Xander" I replied
"Can... can I kiss you?"he asked
"You never asked for permission to be intim..." I started but was cut off by the collision of soft lips against mine, both of our lips moving in perfect rhythm together, I couldn't help but close my eyes and let him dominate over the kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth before dancing with mine slowly. I could feel my pant dampen before I pulled away.
"Would you be my girlfriend?"
"What?" I asked almost immediately from the shock and suprise.
"You said to start afresh, i want to start afresh,from the beginning to tryout how we'll work out. I still like you Mia and I want to love you"he said cupping my cheeks I couldn't say anything,I was struck, shot of words.
"I can't" I said
"Why? You know you like me too, you can't deny it. I know you would love to be my girlfriend"he said.
He was right I can't deny it. I would love to be his girlfriend, I'm just scared he'll find out about Kaden and how would I solve that problem, I need to find an excuse.
"It's not that, it's just..I'll be going to Brooklyn soon, I told you I came to Spain for a vacation" I lied smoothly.
"I'll come with you to Brooklyn" he said, my eyes widen and my brows furrowed I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't. Typical Xander will always be what he wants...
"I'll come with you to Brooklyn, I'll stay with you, I'll work from your house, I have a lot of money to serve the both of us for life time. Please mia, give me this chance"he begged holding my hand in~between his large ones holding unto it like his life depended on it.
"Xander..."I started but I didn't know what to say.
"Please, I want you back mia" he said
"Okay..." I breathed
"Okay?" He asked his brows creasing in confusion.
"I'll be your girlfriend" I said and he smiled causing his 32 white teeth to show in display.
"Thank you" he said kissing my palm
"I'll leave for Brooklyn in 3days, I don't want you delaying my flight" I joked
"I have a private jet Mia" he replied laughing slightly
"Flaunt it in my face douchebag"I said and jumped out of the car not after I heard him slightly chuckle.

The door creaked open waking me from my sleep,I opened my eyes to meet Theresa's black orbs staring at me.
"Morning theresa" I said yawning
"Morning, I started to think you were dead"she joked
"You won't get rid of me that easily" I said sitting on my bed.
"So how was the date?" She asked grinning
"Oh about that...well it went well..."I said my cheeks heating up slightly due to embarrassment.
"Tell me Mia" she urged
"Fine! We kissed and well he asked me to be his girlfriend, we decided to start afresh...ugh I sound like a high school girl who just got asked out by her crush" I said with a groan while Theresa laughed.
"That's amazing" she said coming to sit beside me on the bed.
"It is, I mean I like him and he likes me too and we are starting on how to mend our relationship back but I'm scared" I ranted
"Scared of?"she asked raising her left brows
"I don't want him to know about Kaden" I said softly
"To be honest mia, he's going to find out about Kaden can't hide a child from its father for long" she said
"I will hide Kaden for eternity if I have to...I'll keep hiding him until... I fully trust Xander" I said firmly.
"I'll always support you Mia...always" she assured making me smile and I hugged her.
"Thank you so much, I don't know what I would have done without're my savior" I said and pecked her lips before pulling apart, I saw a small smile play on her lips and I smiled at her too.
"Okay! Enough of smoochies, breakfast in 20minutes... pancakes and coffee and tea for Kaden" she said and got up heading for the door.
"Thanks and um...I'll be leaving for Brooklyn soon, well with Xander" I said and she smiled broadly before walking out.

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