Chapter seventeen

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Mia's POV

"Mia...who's Kaden?"
His voice kept ringing in my head even when he left an hour ago, I stood frozen at that same spot.
Everything seemed so fine when I returned from work, he even made me dinner so what could have gone wrong? How did he know about Kaden?
But Theresa won't have told him a thing would she?...except...except something is wrong and then my head snapped up, looking at the couch where I left me bag I hurried there searching for my phone until I noticed is gone.
Xander must have taken it when he left.
I hurried back into the room in search of my jotter, I remember writing Theresa's number there. After I found it, I ran into the streets looking for a pay phone around until I came around one.
I punched in her number waiting for it to ring until it went straight to Voice mail saying her phone was switched off. After trying it a thousand times I begun to cry, sobbing loudly... Xander found out about Kaden in the worst way possible and who knows if kaden is alright, and what if Xander take kaden away from me, all my nightmares would come true.  I can't let that happen. I have to find Xander and then go to Spain. I could still try to explain things to him, but what exactly did I have to explain to him? Nothing! I had no explanation. I sobbed louder dropping the phone allowing it to hang on it's cord, I slid down the glass and begun to sobbing, closing my eyes in order to make the tears stop from rolling down my cheeks.

Chirping of birds woke me up, my eyes too heavy to open, until I finally opened it to take in my surroundings
Pay phone shop.
The events of yesterday crashing into my memory, I stood up abruptly
"Kaden!"i yelled before running out of the shop to my house, I only stopped when I saw a man wearing a two piece suit on my doorstep..I've seen him somewhere!
"Neon?!" I yelled running into his arms, he tensed before relaxing and hugging me slightly before pulling away.
"Neon? How are, you were in Spain, how did you get here to Brooklyn? And how did you know my house? I asked my brows creasing in confusion, he only cupped my cheeks.
"You ask too much questions mia, freshen up, we are going to Spain" he said and pulled away.
"Spain?, why? I have to.." I begun but he cut me off.
"Xander sent me to get you and kaden needs to see you" he said
"How?..." I was beginning to ask before he gave me a pointed look causing me to rush inside and freshen up.

We came down from the jet and boarded a taxi.
Spain breeze slapping my face, but this air is suffocating.
Kaden? Xander?
I don't know how to focus on everything.
I turned my head to look at neon just to see him typing away on his phone.
"You care to explain?" I asked breaking the silence
"Kaden got into an accident" he said, my heart beat ceased
"What? My baby? How his he? Is he okay?" I asked my breath coming out in short breaths.
"He's fine mia, calm down, Xander was there to watch him" he said softly
Xander came there last night? That's were he stormed off to,he acted like a typical father and I kept Kaden away from him thinking he wasn't good enough, I can't deal with the guilt I have in my heart. What relationship does neon have with Xander anyway?
"You and Xander, how?..."
"He's my best friend" he replied nonchalantly while I stared at him, Xander never told me about neon.
"Did you know me that day you paid for my taxi" I asked and he stopped typing for a while before looking at me before turning back to his phone.
"Yes I knew you were Xander's wife, I knew you had a son too" he said
"You knew?" I asked surprised and he nodded slightly but didn't bother to explain how he knew.
"I did, but I refused to tell Xander I knew....he had to find out himself" he replied and I looked out of the window closing my eyes.

"We are here"
I opened my eyes to see neon tapping on me slightly, I stepped out of the taxi, looking around my surroundings

Hurlings hospital

I walked into the hospital, the smell of antiseptic and drugs filling my nostrils, nurses and visitors buzzing the place as I followed neon to the reception table.
"We are here to visit kaden Schneider" he said to the nurse behind the counter
"And you are?" She asked peeping at the both of us from the top of her glasses.
"I'm their brother in-law, and she's the mother and girlfriend of Xander Wales" he replied
"Room 65" she said waving us off as we moved in search of the room, we found it and neon opened the door.
And there he was, laying down facing the ceiling, bandages wrapped around his head, legs and arms and small scratches on his face, drip attached to his wrist, his face paled and his lips chapped with his eyes closed. I stepped into the room, tears rushed down my face as I looked at my baby.

My Kaden.

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