Author's Note

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You're probably where my arse has been since like- January. 

And I'll explain lol — well y'see , as of late , life's been really messing me up . Dealt with my all my friends online and offline dropping me without any explanation , my mental health's been in the toilet due to troubles with my family , school anddd relationship stuff— so I haven't been really feeling it.

I'm trying to come back so that I can pursue my hobby that gave me joy so I can regain that escape I once had.

And I'd like to thank you all for the lovely comments and votes !! I tried to level up from the cringe I used to write lmao—

But to carry on with this story , I really need your help ! I'm totally stuck for what should happen in the next chapter —

Can you guys just give me suggestions for the next chapter so I can shake off that writer's block pleeease ?

Leave your suggestions here. Or swing by my pms ! I'd love to hear from you guys !!

Min <3

THE DARK TRIO and the Philosophers Stone (Book One) [INDEFINITE HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now