The One In Which There Were Minty Eyes

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A/N: Sorry for not updating! I had written two chapters already but then they BOTH got deleted somehow and it made me so sad....

But now I'm fine but the frustrating thing is that I don't remember what I actually wrote the first time! So this might be crappy.

Thank you so much for the votes, reads and comments!


Draco saw how pale looking Ron was. The redhead seemed to stare into space, his blue eyes looked like they had aged years within a matter of minutes. He didn't even think about touching the food on his plate.

The blond the blond boy frowned in confusion.

"Weasley?"he called to him.

Draco received no response.

"Weasley?"he tried again, tapping the redhead's shoulder. Harry, Blaise and Theo had stopped eating and turned to Ron.

"Ronald? Ronald!"Blaise tried. "Ronald, have you gone deaf?"he muttered.

"Just leave him for a bit, trust me on this one, guys,"Theo murmured. "Give him a little space."

Draco and Blaise cast dubious looks at the brunet but complied.

* * *

After dinner

"This way to the dungeons, First Years!"a black haired burly boy called out from the front of the Slytherin Table, a girl with strawberry blonde hair standing next to him, appearing bored as the youngest members of Slytherin scrambled to follow them.

"Don't get lost,"she drawled as the group walked through a maze of corridors, with the occasional minor scare they got from a ghost.


It took awhile but the group of Slytherins finally reached their destination.

"This is the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room and Dorms. If you don't make sure to know the new password every week, you're freezing your arse off til morning if there's no one left to assist you. Now before we enter, be respectful to the person we're going to meet lest you wish to face their wrath..."the strawberry blond who they had found out was named Gem Farley, cautioned.

The group of First Years shared wary glances as the girl murmured "Laguz ". The portrait of Herpo The Foul swung open, permitting them entry.


"Hullo there little Firsties~!"a gentle lilt reverberated around the empty Common Room.

The group of children snapped their heads around to find the source of the voice... That was until a giggle could be heard and seemingly out of thin air, a person appeared in front of them, seated in the soft emerald arm chair near the dimly lit fire place.

Pansy let out a startled shriek and Ron whimpered while everyone displayed their own varying degrees of shock.

"No need to be scared! I only wish to introduce myself and go over a few things with you littlies!"they reassured them with a warm smile. Their aura seemed to set everyone at if it were some spell.

Once the First Years had regained their composure, they managed to get a proper look at the mystery person.

Their short wavy hair was a strange silvery-blond colour, brighter than Draco's own platinum blond with tips of icy blue. Their face was oval shaped, their soft looking skin a pretty ivory colour. Their rose petal lips were beautifully pink, with round minty green eyes framed by thick lashes. One would have mistook them as someone who was meant to be in their year due to their rather small size...

The person grinned. "Now that you've gotten your eyeful and before you ask any questions, I am in fact a male."

The First Years blushed and waited for him to continue.

"My name is Delphinus Augury... I'm attending my Third Year here at Hogwarts, but some caution to you before you decide that I am your equal..."His once serene expression morphed into one of condescendance. "There is a Royal Court of sorts, here in Slytherin, and may you guess where I stand, hm?"he asked them sweetly.

"A-At the top?"Harry stuttered out.

Delphinus clapped his hands and smiled. "A brownie point to you! What's your name?"he asked the dark haired boy.

Harry frowned at his use of Muggle language before answering. "It's Harry. Harry Potter,"he answered quietly.

Delphinus stared at him longer than necessary. Those piercing eyes made that strange... feeling he had when Ron and Draco fought bubble up once more. He wanted to make the elder boy quit his staring and cower down down for his insolence.

...Insolence? Where did that come from?

As soon as he had shook that thought from his mind, Harry swore that he saw a flash of purple in Delphinus' eyes.

The others had been watching the whole ordeal with confused frowns, but the two Fifth Year Prefects sported blank expressions as their eyes darted between the two.

After a lengthy period of silence, Delphinus spoke again.

"... Let me tell you a bit about Slytherin House, newbies. We prize ambition, cunning, and intellect in our members...After all, we are the purest House in Hogwarts! You were not chosen to be here for nothing. We also pride ourselves in managing to get away with many things. First rule of Slytherin: "Don't get caught." Don't find it weird if you see a few members of our House practicing strange types of magic. Other Houses might think that it's awful to practice Grey or Dark Magic, but in reality, Magic is Magic. It's your intent on how you use it that counts, am I right?

We can be dubbed as the...vile devil incarnations of the lot, but embrace it! Who cares about what others think? Also don't be afraid to do anything you have to to get to the top. Other Houses may be lazy and not worry about their sense of self preservation nor their futures as much as we do and we need to have that advantage to actually get anywhere!

If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask anyone! We're all a strange family here and family helps each other. If you need something repeated a thousand times, then a thousand times it will be repeated for you.

As for our Court that has been mentioned before, it is open only for people in Third Year and up. There is one Slytherin ruler—and that of course, is me. There is one Prince and Princess, following them are the four Ladys and Lords. It's quite hard to be accepted into the Court as you have been voted in by your peers. If I see potential in you... You may even get in as early as I did!

But now, I'm sure that you littlies are quite tired...So I bid you adieu~!"

And with that, the boy with mint eyes was gone.

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