The One In Which They Better Be...(Part Two)

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Gryffindor.....It wouldn't be too bad since you do meet some of the requirements, but you would be moulded into someone who you were never meant to be, always having to live up to difficult expectations...No. Slytherin is where you truly belong. You would do great things Harry Potter and Slytherin would help you there. You aren't afraid of using slight underhanded tactics to reach your goals. You were meant to make a change in this world, but just not the way certain people want it... you better be... SLYTHERIN!"

"WE GOT POT—Wait, WHAT?"the Weasley Twins yelled from the table which they stood on.




Harry didn't like the way that everyone was staring at him. He hadn't even been at Hogwarts for even a day and already everyone hated him. Maybe his Uncle Vernon had been right.

It always was his fault.

Harry bit his the inside of his cheek hard enough to start drawing blood before staring straight ahead and sitting in the space Draco had left for him between him and Theo.

Harry blushed slightly before ducking his head a little bit as he tried to ignore the piercing stares and the hurtful murmurs of the other Houses in the Great Hall.

Harry felt a delicate hand gently squeeze his own under the table and he looked into the eyes feline like, tired eyes of Theo Nott shining brightly at him.

"Don't worry. It'll get better,"the brunette whispered softly to him before letting go and turning his attention back to the Sorting.

Harry felt weird. The only times someone had willingly touched him was to only hit him or throw him into his cupboard under the stairs or to just give him a hit. He blushed lightly and faced the front of the Hall, not noticing a pair of angry narrowed eyes staring at the hand Theo touched before basically boring holes into said boy's head.


Ron was getting too fidgety now. With Harry in Slytherin, what was he going to do? He couldn't be friends with any of the others because he was at risk of being practically disowned by his family.

The Weasley were firmly on the Light Side. They normally frowned upon what was deemed Dark and they never even wanted to be associated with anything concerning that subject. He saw the way his father's face would scrunch up whenever he spoke of so and so or maybe something had happened at work.

Ron's mother was worse because she would rant a lot about other things and she always would insert a scathing comment or two when his father ever spoke of anything like that and she would never even let him walk anywhere a 'Dark' family every time they were in Diagon Alley.

"Merlin forbid any of you get Sorted into Slytherin!"Mrs Weasley had told Fred and George before they left for Hogwarts.

"Those snakes would poison your precious minds with their disgusting lies!"

"If you ever went into that House, Ronnie—I'd have a heart attack! I wouldn't believe that I raised you!"

THE DARK TRIO and the Philosophers Stone (Book One) [INDEFINITE HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now