The One In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong (Part Two)

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A/N : Suggestions are closed. I'm unsure if you got the hint lol. But I'm going to bash the Weasley twins if I want to, sorry to dash any hopes - it is my book after all. (I'm not sorry, this is for the greater good :] )


The redheaded boy shut his eyes tightly as the hot tears that had threatened to escape his eyes since dinner finally ran down his freckled cheeks.

Ron's heart was pounding as all this thoughts started to grow muddled, blood rushing in his ears. The curtains closed in on him. Dizzy, disoriented, he knew he needed to get to the bathroom when he tasted bile in his mouth. He stumbled out of bed. "Gonna go puke," he said to no one.




TW : Panic attack

As he stared at his pale reflection in the bathroom mirror, Ron became very self-conscious about his if he couldn't trust it. He felt terribly hot and on-edge. His mind frantic and all over the place, to the point that it became practically impossible to focus on why he was there in the first place.

Suddenly, he felt hot and sweaty, so hot and sweaty that he stripped off his sweatshirt and shakily tried turning on the tap to run his face under cold water. But as he managed to get a proper grip on the sink, the hand trembling traveled down into his arms and legs, leaving him unsteady on his feet. His heart seemed to pound even faster, even harder. The redhead tried taking a deep breath to calm himself , but his breaths were sharp and shallow. His vision got darker and narrower and looked kaleidoscopic, like when one closes their eyes and presses down on their eyelids to "see stars."

"You're dying," a voice in his head said. "This is what death feels like, and you're going to die alone."

Was going to die?

He was convinced he was dying.

What even caused this?

"I don't know...I don't get it... I don't know.."he weakly mumbled out loud.

Ron wanted to lay down on the cold stone floor and close his eyes, but he was scared that he wouldn't wake up.

His chest loosens. Stomach is still tied-up, but not as bad. Upon this realization , he suddenly takes a deep breath. For the past few minutes it felt like air wasn't getting all the way down into his lungs. Not a single breath was satisfying.

And then, he slowly sank to the floor. He's unsure about how much time passed before he was able to get up and steady himself - it could have been 30 seconds or an hour.

Ron crawled out of the bathroom to the bed and slept for the rest of the night, as though the life had been drained right out of him.


"...Weasley? WEASLEY? WAKE UP!"

"Huhn-?" Ron asked, startled awake by the yelling. He blearily peered up at the source.

"Oh.. it's you,"he grunted, rolling his eyes at Draco, who had already gotten himself ready for the day.

"Yes, it's me,"the blond replied with a sneer. "Be grateful I was kind enough to wake you up before Potter and co finished up all the hot water."

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