The One In Which It Starts Off Rocky

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September 1, 1991


The last month  for Harry had him the happiest he'd ever been. It was like something that caused the Dursleys to be so horrible to him had finally been gotten rid of. (Dudley was still a git though.)

They didn't do a complete one eighty, but it was progress. He was given proper portions of food that Aunt Petunia had made and he wasn't given any unreasonable chores anymore, but he still liked gardening.

Harry had even grown a few inches and filled out properly, no longer looking like a newly hatched baby bird. His hair had even grown a bit longer, just past his chin though. Leaving it like that made it more tamer.

If they spoke to him directly—which was rare nowadays for him—Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia actually used his name instead of 'Boy' or 'Freak'.

They mostly ignored him though which was a perfect arrangement for Harry.

Harry mostly stayed up in his bare little bedroom practicing quill writing, rereading his schoolbooks and other extra books mostly.

Recently though, to keep himself from getting bored out of his mind because he could do all the spells and such in his sleep, Harry had started experimenting with Potions he would make this year using the large Potions kit and cauldron Minerva had gotten him.

Now it was the day Harry Potter could finally attend Hogwarts.

Breakfast had been oddly quiet. Not an awkward quiet...It was more of a comfortable silence with everyone focused on separate things.

Petunia had given Harry two thick books without a word when they had finally reached Kings Cross. Harry was baffled, but didn't comment. The Dursleys left Harry in the sea of people and had gone to back to their car.

Now Harry looked down at the ticket he had received from Minerva as he wandered a bit, doing his best not to knock people down with his trolley.

Platform 9 3/4? How did Minerva say you get in again? Oh yes! Go in between Platforms 9 and 10! Harry thought to himself doing exactly just that. When the bespectacled boy had reached the aforementioned platform, he saw what could only be described as a brood of redheads.

What seemed to be the youngest boy who was about his own height (if not taller than he) appeared to be embarrassed at the noise his mother was making. She was talking about where the platform was for all the Muggles to hear! Surely she knew where it was! She had older children who had attended Hogwarts for awhile now!

She appeared to be looking for someone...Odd...

Harry shook his head in disbelief before crossing to the other side....

Harry couldn't help but gasp in wonder and astonishment. The gleaming red Hogwarts Express looked so... beautiful. Parents were all around saying their goodbyes to their children, promises to write and holiday plans could be heard all around.

Harry felt a bit upset that he would probably never get the chance to have his own parents bid him farewell when he went to Hogwarts. But then again, life is life—you can get dealt terrible cards.

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