The One In Which Everything Changes

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It had been nearly two weeks since Harry had been allowed to go outside of his cupboard. It was approximately two days until he turned eleven.

Why was Harry locked up in his cupboard? Again?


It was Dudley's birthday a few weeks ago and normally, every year, Petunia and Vernon take Dudley and a friend to cool places like the theatre and amusement parks, when Harry himself had never ever been in his entire life.

He was always spending the day with Mrs Figg and was never allowed in the house alone, for fear that he may burn it down.

But this year, they had intended to leave him, it hadn't gone to plan.

Mrs Figg, the cat lady neighbour who lived across from their house, had a broken leg.

All of Aunt Petunia's friends were unavailable.

Aunt Marge , Vernon's older sister, CLEARLY hated Harry.

So, they were stuck with him.

Harry had never been so happy in his life!

But that happiness was too good to be true.

When they had spent at least an hour at the zoo, Dudley and Piers Polkiss, (Dudley's friend) had wanted to go and visit the Reptile Enclosure to go look at the large Boa Constrictor that they had on show that day.

At first it didn't move when they tapped against the glass, but after they left, Harry had begun talking to them. Boy was he surprised when it understood him!

Then...his tub of lard cousin and rat-faced friend pushed Harry out of the way, he had gotten angry, then, the glass disappeared as if it were magic!

The snake escaped while Dudley and Piers were stuck.

Somehow, his Uncle Vernon pinned all that shit on Harry.

Now he got punished with no food and would be let out tomorrow if he were really lucky.


Turned out, Harry actually was lucky. A strict looking woman who went by the name Minerva McGonagall had come to the Dursley home, saying that she was a witch.

And the most surprising thing was that she was here to take him of all people to get his supplies a place called Hogwarts since he was a Wizard! Him, of all people!

Uncle Vernon had pitched up a fit, saying that he was not 'a bloody wizard' at all. Vernon had even admitted that he had found his Hogwarts letter in the post and burnt it without a second thought so that Harry couldn't go.

Minerva had had it up to here with the Dursleys and put a dog tail on Dudley, before calmly asking him if he still wanted to stay with them, or take a trip to the Magical World with her.

He chose Minerva of course! He'd be stupid not to!

When the woman took him to a place called Diagon Alley, she was ever so nice to him and told him the real truth about his parents.

Lily and James Potter didn't die in a car accident. Some Dark Wizard who goes by the name Lord Voldemort killed them, but was really after Harry himself.

Somehow, he was the first and only person to ever survive the green jet of the Avada Kedavra Curse. Soon, the whole Wizarding World knew him as the Boy-Who-Lived.

How could they know Harry? He's never even met any wizards besides Professor McGonagall... Harry knew it only a matter of time before he was approached and had other people's perceptions thrown at him. He could only hope he'd be able to nip all of the commotion in the bud whilst he could.

Minerva had a proud gleam in her feline like pale green eyes when Harry voiced his opinion on the matter. The boy swore he heard her mutter:

"He's definitely their son."

After they had bought the requirements for Hogwarts, Minerva had bought Harry new clothes, saying that those "rags them filthy Muggles put you in have to go!"

The statement had left him really confused. He supposed a Muggle was a person who wasn't a Wizard? But he didn't have enough time to ponder it before being whisked off to Madam Malkins with a few protests of paying for things for himself.

Harry met a boy who went by the name of Draco Malfoy who seemed to be a bit full of himself, but thanks to staying at the Dursleys, Harry had an uncanny ability to read people's body language to tell what type of state they were in. If he was around them long enough, he could garner how their personality truly was like.

When he took the time to ponder on his perception of the Malfoy — he supposed the blond was merely trying to impress Harry by acting all important. Hopefully Harry would see Draco again and perhaps get a chance to peel back the haughty exterior. It would be interesting to be friends with the blonde, in his opinion.

When they left Madam Malkins with Harry's new wardrobe that was a mix of Muggle and Magical, Minerva gave her own neutral take on the Hogwarts Houses and how they worked. She never badmouthed one or the other. Ravenclaw and Slytherin really appealed to him. He wouldn't mind if he went into either really.

She informed him about all the subjects and the system they had there and what special information he needed to know.

When they had come back from Diagon Alley, Minerva had said something to the Dursleys that actually made them actually civil towards him. Just as she was about to leave, she gave him a package given to Muggle raised children that explained things from Wizarding Etiquette to how to write with a quill neatly.

The Dursleys didn't set him any tasks to do that evening and Petunia even gave him a thin smile when Vernon wasn't looking. Harry even got Dudley's second bedroom and a bed!

All in all, never had Harry had a greater time in his life.

* * *

Ron had finally gotten his Hogwarts letter.

He was so happy when the owl flew through the window and plopped the letter down into his breakfast porridge. His parents had finally shown him some attention for once!

He was complimented the whole day and got to pick what to eat for supper and dessert and Fred and George hadn't pranked him for once.

All in all, he felt on top of the world.

* * *

Hermione Granger was stunned.

A week ago, a strict looking woman who went by the name Minerva McGonagall had come to her home, saying that she was a witch.

She was accepted into a school for Wizards and Witches (unbelievable, right?). When the woman demonstrated a piece of magic, Hermione got an excited glint in her eyes.

So that meant all those mistakes she had made in the past like changing her mother's hair to an emerald green was normal for her?

Hermione was proud that she wasn't some ordinary girl and that there were people who were like her. She really needed to straighten out her hair before September 1st!

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