The One In Which Eyes Flashed Red (Maybe) Part Two

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"Y-You're late, Mr P-P-Potter,"was the first thing Harry heard as soon as he stepped into the Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom.

Harry flushed in embarrassment from his place at the door when he met the eyes of Professor Quirrell, who was awaiting an explanation.

He tried to ignore the feeling of the gazes of his fellow classmates as he tried to give a reply. "I'm sorry Professor... I felt a bit ill after lunch and went to the bathroom... I'll try to not let it happen again."

The man gave him what could be interpreted as a wry smile — Harry couldn't quite tell from the slight facial twitches — and chuckled quietly. "Is it homes-s-sickness or gen-general anxiety?"

A flash of Harry's prior interaction with Delphinus passed through his mind. "Uhm... you could say that it's the latter I suppose."

"Don't w-worry P-P-Potter. I don-don't bite. Just go find y-yourself a seat so we ca-an proceed with the lesson . If you do feel a bit worse — l-let me know and I'll make a p-plan."

"Thank you, Sir,"he replied with a tentative smile and quickly scrambled to the first row of the left side of the classroom where Draco waved him over.

With a frown after observing him as grew closer to where he sat, Draco pursed his lips and decided to push away any bitter feelings towards the raven haired boy — at least for now.

"Do you want me to move to the aisle side so you can have the window? You look even paler than I do- and that says a lot,"he whispered before Harry could sit down.

"Oh no, you don't need to, Draco it's alright — I'll be fine—,"the other boy mumbled before the Malfoy interrupted him with a disbelieving snort.

"Potter, I doubt it very much. Besides the sunshine and air may do you good,"he cut in , standing up and sitting Harry down in his place. "The chair's even warmed up for you."

He slid all his books and notes to the side he now sat at . Harry couldn't help the pink that coloured his cheeks when the Malfoy cracked a small smile at him when their eyes met. It was actually the first time he'd seen Draco genuinely smile without any malice or smugness laced. The raven-haired boy couldn't help but think that the blond actually had a rather nice smile—

Before he could stutter out a reply, he saw the smile quickly replaced by a scowl . He quickly found out the reason when Draco turned around to glare daggers at Tracey Davis.

"What on earth is your problem, Davis?"he hissed.

"Stop making bedroom eyes at each other and pay attention! Go get a room if you're gonna do that,"she spat back.

"What does making 'bedroom eyes' even mean?"

Tracey blinked and scrunched up her nose. "I dunno actually, I heard my mum and dad say that a lot when they're about to go hug and kiss in their room,"she replied with a shrug.

"Ew, kissing is gross — besides I don't want to kiss Potter or anyone else for that matter!"

"Then what's this then, huh? Clear bedroom eyes— Oh, ow! Ow! I'm sorry!"

Tracey inhaled sharply in pain when Hermione hit her with a book for the second time that day.

"Miss Granger, p-pray tell , w-w-why are you hitting Miss D-Davis?"

"I'm very sorry, Sir!"Hermione apologised, anxious at the thought of getting into trouble . "Tracey is disturbing people."

"That's a lie , Professor! I was maintaining the peace-!"Tracey cut in. "You even saw that I was persecuted for my heroic actions!"

Professor Quirrell looked unimpressed. "O-Of course. D-Do try to no-not be "heroic" again or I-I'll dock points. I'm no-not this pleasant wh-when so much of my lesson has been taken up."

"Yessiree! Will do!"

The Professor shook his head and sighed before continuing the class.


After DADA

The rest of the lesson went by without a hitch and Harry was a bit reluctant to admit it but by the end of the lesson, he actually felt better because of access to fresh air.

"Feeling better Potter?"he asked Harry when he and Draco were one of the last to leave the room.

Draco frowned at the lack of a stutter and the strange gleam in the Professor's eyes. He grew more suspicious when he could have sworn a flash of red in those blue irises. He decided to store that information for later , opting to focus on Harry who seemed to not have noticed a thing.

The raven haired boy seemed to pale and look clammier once more when he met Quirrell's eyes once more. He swayed on the spot. Before he could fall over, the Malfoy managed to catch him.

"O-Oh dear, it seems y-you've gotten worse! D-Do you w-w-want me to w-w-write a sick no-note?"

"No... No! It's alright! I'll be fine. Just nauseous,"Harry protested, squirming out of Draco's arms and walking out.

"Ju-Just nausea..r-right. What le-lesson do you h-have next?"


At that, the Professor scribbled something down on a piece of parchment and handed it to Draco. At the blond's questioning look, he explained that it was a note for Professor Snape to inform him on Harry's health just in case things may take a turn for the worse.

Draco thanked him and sped off to try and catch up to the raven haired boy.



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