The One In Which Hermione Has A Staring Contest

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A/N: I've finally  crawled out of the little hole I've been hiding in ;__; A lot has happened !! I graduated high school last year and I started working !! So forgive me for my absence! I tried to fit in a new chapter , but sorry if it sounds weird because I think I typed it literal months apart. Hopefully it sounds good.


When Draco and Harry entered the Great Hall for dinner, the eyes that were usually fixated on Harry since his arrival seemed to multiply in their gazes' intensity. The source was primarily at the Slytherin table. The older students didn't quite give much away through their facial expressions but the younger years barely contained their mild shock.

As they passed them to reach their year mates, Harry could barely catch the whispers but he did hear his name.

They're gossiping about them aren't they? Perhaps they're laughing... Did Harry do something wrong?

He really didn't want to end up a pariah like he had in primary. He thought Hogwarts would be hiss fresh start, but since being Sorted, people were behaving very strange and constantly whispering about him. They hadn't exactly... bullied him yet but it was only a matter of time.

Draco, who had been watching Harry carefully since they'd left the Potions Classroom , saw the worried look on the dark haired boy's face.

With a quick glance at the rest of their housemates, he managed to figure out the reason behind it. But surely Potter should love the attention, right? He's essentially an icon in the Wizarding World, he should be soaking up all the stares! Draco knew that if it were him, he definitely would!

However the blond couldn't help but feel a strange twinge in his heart. If it made the other boy feel uncomfortable, perhaps he could try and help alleviate the anxiety? Just this once! Then Potter would fend for himself!

Draco awkwardly gave the dark haired boy's shoulder a squeeze and gave him a small smile that he hoped seemed reassuring.

When those green eyes met his own and Potter seemed to ease up and managed to crack a small smile of his own, Draco deemed the mission a success and was very pleased with himself.

When they'd sat down, his pleasure was quickly shattered by one Tracey Davis opening her big fat mouth.

"Now how the bloody hell did you manage to get the Professor to not bite your head off, Potter?"she asked after swallowing a forkful of shredded chicken.

"There's many Professors in this school, Davis. Be specific,"Draco drawled.

The brunette rolled her eyes. "Oh sod off, Malfoy! I wasn't talking to you. Potter knows very well I was talking about Professor Snape!" she shot back.

"Language! And besides, you're very forward Tracey. Harry isn't obligated to say anything,"Hermione cut in.

"But you must admit, you're just as nosey as the rest of us," Blaise commented.

"You're just better at hiding it,"Pansy continued, glancing sideways at the brunette.

"I agree with Granger, all of you are very rude. Instead of asking if your friend is alright, you're prattling about stupid stuff that can be asked later—,"scolded Theo but was cut off by Harry interrupting.

"No, it's alright. There isn't really much to tell. I didn't do anything..."Harry mumbled. "I do think he's a nice teacher — if a bit strict."

Tracey , who had been busy chewing on more of her chicken , started to scoff but a piece of chicken lodging itself in her throat had her choking.

"Oh dear Morgana— someone do something!"Daphne sputtered, her eyes widened.

"Do you think we can spell it out-?"Ron asked, , speaking for the first time since the morning. He was too nervous to eat his dinner, and with the Tracey dilemma, he had a distraction to put it back on the plates and avoid any possible tainting of his food from Fred and George. It was only a matter of 'when' and not 'if' his Mum would put the Twins up to 'sorting him out' for being a Snake.

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