The One In Which They Better Be... (Part One)

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It was already dark when the train reached the Hogsmeade Station.

All the first years followed a giant man named Hagrid who was ushering them to the boathouse to do the traditional boat riding to the castle.

"Four ter a boat!"he boomed happily.

Now here was the problem. There were five of them and they all wanted to be together....

What to do? What to do?

Harry just shrugged and clambered into a boat. Ron beat everyone else to the punch. Draco narrowed his eyes and jumped in, making it shake uncontrollably for awhile.

Theo rolled his eyes. "I'll be the bigger person here and I'll go and ride with Pansy, Tracey and Daphne,"he said before going off.

Blaise smirked and got in.

* * *

Hogwarts was stunning like Hermione knew that it would be. When she had left Harry's compartment, a blond haired girl who went by the name of Daphne Greengrass invited her to sit with her 'friends'. The other girls were a black short haired girl with chocolate eyes and a pug-like face named Pansy Parkinson and a girl with chestnut brown hair tied into two long plaits with pale green eyes named Tracey Davis.

They had been nice enough, but the Parkinson girl still didn't sit well with Hermione. She had kept quiet when she had mentioned her surname, but had pursed her lips as if to hold herself from saying something she would regret.

Hermione could just see the squabbles they'd have from here.

Daphne was more reserved and let Pansy jabber away about girlish things and the like that Hermione became bored listening to. She saw that Daphne liked sports more and told her about a game called 'Quidditch'. From the blonde's description , it seemed like it would be interesting to see a match.

Tracey was somewhere in between the fence. She liked things that Hermione did and she liked a lot of the glitz and glamor that Pansy did but would prefer Quidditch any day too like Daphne. She was also considerably warmer with Hermione in comparison with the other two girls, and she was grateful for that. She actually felt as if she were... wanted.

Now as they prepared to ride the boats, Daphne wouldn't stop scaring Pansy with stories she swore up and down were true. The brown haired boy from Harry's compartment had shown up only to find no space for him.

"Now it's time to go and sit with Terry and Ernie. Merlin's dirty underwear, those guys are pricks..."he murmured before leaving with a grin.

"You know, Pansy... I heard that the Giant Squid in the Black Lake is fed children when they get a detention too many—or just 'cause the Professors are bored. Maybe they'll feed you to it! Oh dear! You are nice and plump...."she hissed, poking at Pansy's side. The other girl squealed in terror.

"Shut up! You know that's not true...Right, Trace?"Pansy squeaked uncertainly, shooting Tracey a worried look.

Tracey and Daphne shared a malicious glance.

"Oh, I don't know...My father told me that there used to be some Slytherin boy who went by the name of Tim Roddle or Tom Riddle—something like that—who was the best student Hogwarts had and then people got jealous.

There were these boys who were his classmates who went to go and kidnap him then chop him up like a Swiss Roll and dumped him in the Lake where McSquidders had the best meal of his life!"she said seriously. She turned to Hermione and elbowed her softly to carry on with the game.

Hermione jumped in surprise, not expecting to be included.

"I read that in Hogwarts: A History! They say that the only thing left of poor Tim—Tom—whatever, were his bones,"Hermione whispered sinisterly, lying through her teeth and enjoying every moment as Pansy's facial expression got more fearful. "And they say that in the dorms you may find this little black book with his name on it...People who've opened it are never. The. Same. AGAIN!"she ended of dramatically.

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