The One In Which Theo Wakes Up

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Ron's first year at Hogwarts wasn't supposed to go like this. He wasn't supposed to be this overly cautious, jumpy mess. His place was meant to be in Gryffindor, where his brothers were. So why would the Hat put him in Slytherin?

Perhaps he may have wished a little too hard to stand out from his brothers. He was the first in his family to do something alright. He just hadn't anticipated it being... this.

He should've fought harder with that bloody Hat. Maybe then, he wouldn't find himself in such a bind.

The first week was absolutely hellish for the redhead. The indecipherable stares from the Slytherin Purebloods were bad enough. Of course he understood them — to an extent. After all, his family was that of Blood Traitors.

The lines of understanding started to blur when the other Slytherins didn't chew him up and spit him out like he'd anticipated due to the Weasley name painting a big target on him. Surprisingly enough, the let him be and if there were moments of where he had no choice but to speak with an older Slytherin, they were polite enough.

What was his true stressor at Hogwarts was his family (of course). Ron had already lost count of how many panic attacks he'd had even at the mere sight of them. Percy had been tailing him all of this week, trying to speak with him and Ron didn't know why. He didn't even stick around long enough to find out what verbal lashing the elder Weasley had in store for him. Ron was well aware that certain people were already disappointed or disgusted with him.

Fred and George were the ones who truly made him paranoid. Their constant staring and unnerving silence rubbed him the wrong way. Ron had reached a point where he decided to avoid the school food altogether because he'd heard of the House Elves who make the Hogwarts food from their stories. How the twins were very friendly with them and the Elves let them get away with quite a bit.

Ron knew that the twins were insanely clever despite their penchant for mucking around. They could easily slip something into his food by convincing the Elves if they wanted to and the redhead wasn't going to chance it. Even if he felt a bit lightheaded at times, it'd be fine.

Ron laid his head against the cool black marble floor of the bathroom, sighing softly as he felt his belly turn into knots for the umpteenth time today. He listened to the quiet snores of his dorm mates floating into the bathroom in an effort to clear his mind. He'd stand up in a bit to crawl back into bed, for now he just wanted to enjoy his time here, the only place he felt he could truly unwind.


Theo was grateful for the cloak of darkness the dungeons provided. After all, he was able to watch others if he happened to wake. His sleep had been disrupted by Ron's stumbling around in the dark when they were meant to be asleep. He'd heard muffled sobs coming from the bathroom and he wasn't sure if he should have done something about it?

Perhaps Ron was merely having a bout of homesickness? It wasn't unusual to be away from your family for an extended period of time and not miss them. Tears were normal for a child — especially if it were the first week at Hogwarts. It was better to let someone cry it out, they'd feel better eventually.

A part of him couldn't help but feel unsettled by Ron's behaviour. When the redhead showed signs of heading back to bed, Theo sat up. Ron did startle a bit, of course.

Theo didn't know what even prompted him, perhaps it was the Ron's tense stance or the odd glimmer in his blue eyes but soon he started speaking before even thinking.

"You alright there, Weasley?"he asked gently. "I... heard you... well you know."

Ron let out a weak chuckle, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "It's nothing... just thinking a lot."

"Oh. I see..."Theo mumbled with a slow nod. His homesick theory was correct. "Well, if it helps — just know that things are going to get better and you'll get used to Hogwarts eventually — if that's what's bothering you. It's alright to be nervous about an unfamiliar environment."

Ron's face went through a whole range of different emotions in a split second before he settled on bewildered politeness. "I — hope you're right,"was all Ron said, his statement sounding more like a question. "Anyway, g'night Nott."



I decided to draw Delphinus (how he looks in my head) but now that I think carefully, he looks like a further cuntified Draco Malfoy. (Mireiwinters is my ao3 and my bot account)

ai bot account)

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