The One In Which Draco Was Knocked Down A Peg Or Two (Briefly)

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"Ronald Weasley," his mother's voice said , the rather calm volume and demeanour shocking the boy. The others could barely hear what it said, despite straining to listen. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

And with that , the envelope tore itself into little pieces, Ron's heart following it's example.




"Ronald..?"Theo asked uncertainty, breaking the tense silence. He eyed the unmoving, blank faced redhead cautiously. "You alright there, mate? What'd it say? If- If that's alright with you of course, ha!"

Everyone's eyes widened when the once frozen Weasley came back to life, a blinding smile plastered on his face, his blue eyes glittering with an indiscernible emotion .

"Oh , no - I'm perfectly dandy, right as rain!"he chirped, stuffing a bit of toast in his mouth. "I just overreacted a little. Turns out my mum's a bit miffed because I forgot to take something with me before I left,"he explained, not hesitating once as he lied through his teeth.

The First Years shared wary looks. "But to the point of sending a Howler? Even if it didn't do much 'howling' if you know what I mean,"Tracey protested.

"Perhaps Howlers do more than scolding? But it'd be easier to just write a letter.."Draco chipped in quietly , observing Ron with a thoughtful expression.

"Yeah - but we should just drop it. Parents are weird, but look , here come our timetables!"Ron interrupted in an attempt to change the subject.

His tactic was successfully dropped when a piece of paper landed in front each of them , effectively shifting the group's attention elsewhere.


Harry watched Ron cautiously out of the corner of his eyes , worried for the redhead. A part of him was sure that Ron had been lying and something really terrible must've happened if had woken up looking like he'd seen hell.

He had heard the redhead stumble around last night but he wasn't sure if he should have disturbed him , chalking it up to homesickness.

Perhaps he should confront Ron about it? He didn't want to sit back and watch if Ron was experiencing some trouble... He was a bit suspicious , seeing as that's how he generally acted when the Dursleys had been particularly harsh on him over the years.

Did Ron have mean relatives like he did? Maybe Harry could try and get Minerva to help Ron just like she did with him? He didn't want Ron to go through (if he didn't already) what he did if he could help it. He didn't quite know what the woman had done to make the Dursleys behave but surely she could do it again?

Harry pursed his lips with determination. Yes , surely Ron would like that.

"Oh Morgana, we have McGonagall first thing in the morning!"he heard Blaise groan , snapping him out of his reverie.

"Apparently she's a scary old bird that one is,"Millicent hedged. "At least that's what my sister told me. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.."

"Huh?" He looked down at his own timetable to see what they for Tuesday.

Name : Potter Harry
Year : First
House : Slytherin

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