The One In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong (Part One)

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"...But now, I'm sure that you littlies are quite tired...So I bid you adieu~!"

And with that, the boy with mint eyes was gone.




"...Huh- bugger , we have to squish together?" Harry grumbled as he saw the room arrangements on the silver plaque at the mouth of the Boys' Dormitories . All seven of the boys were to share a room this year and none seemed too pleased with that tidbit for various reasons.

"Technically - it wouldn't be 'squishing' , the room would be magically modified to fit us all comfortably, so there's nothing to worry about. At least that's what I've heard,"Theo explained quietly as they made their way to their lodgings.

"Oh! If that's so, last one there's a rotten egg and gets the worst bed!"Harry chirped , breaking into a sprint up the stairs.

Ron, who seemed to briefly snap out of his near catatonic daze spluttered out an "Oi!" and joined Harry, clumsy in his wake.

"Rotten egg-? What- wait is this some Muggle game? Do you turn into a rotten egg? I don't want to be some disgusting egg!" Blaise fretted, half to himself and half to the rest of the Slytherins remaining . He followed them as well , worry scrunching up his face.

The others nearly injured each other in their efforts to get to the Dorm as a nice smelling human, not wanting Harry's words be proven true.


" Blimey - I didn't think you'd take me seriously... Maybe I should make it a priority to teach you guys more about Muggle sayings-," Harry commented once Draco definitely did not (read : he did) burst into tears when he was last in the room.

" Muggles are mean! Why would you trick someone so cruelly?" Draco hissed, his muffled voice coming from where he still hid his blotchy face in his pillow.

"It's not mean- it's just a fun game to play, but I really am sorry if I made you upset,"Harry replied , sincerity colouring his tone. That strange feeling he'd felt on the train stirred within him again as blond frowned for a bit before giving him a weak smile, saying that it was merely an overreaction on his part.

Blaise and Theo shared a look as they sat on their trunks - slightly stumped by Draco's behaviour.

"Alright," Harry said with a clap, a grin gracing his face. "Why don't we unpack and get ready for bed?"

"Uh.. yeah that sounds pretty good right now.."Ron replied absentmindedly , his movements robotic as did what the noirette suggested.

Everyone thought it a bit odd to see him acting like this when he had been lively in the train , but chose to keep silent. It wasn't their business to prod him for any answers .


Meanwhile, the Slytherin girls had watched the boys run off , varying degrees of annoyance evident on their faces.

"Honestly, they're so noisy!"Pansy sniffed as they made their way up to their Dorms.

"It's too late for their nonsense as well,"Daphne added on. "All I want to do is take a shower and sleep ."

"If we're exhausted now - just imagine how it'll be when we actually do some work,"Tracey sighed. "This life is not for me."

Hermione was too consumed in her thoughts to give a reply. Her first night hadn't been as horrific like she had thought it would have been! The only real dampener of her day was that tiff with the mean blond boy - otherwise all was well.


"Dibs in between Daph and Granger!" Tracey declared, throwing her clothes on the second to last bed near the window.

"But I wanted to sleep in the middle!"Pansy whined, her face crinkled in disgust when Tracey threw a pair of her knickers on the bed in the centre to save a spot for the brunette girl.

"Sorry Parkinson but you snooze you lose,"she replied with a smirk. "I'm sure you'll like being the first to get murdered by Tom Riddle's ghost!"

Pansy squeaked in fear. "That's not funny! What if that story turns out to be true? And then we'll all be ...Swiss rolls?"she whispered tearfully , her pale green eyes darting around the room as if the ghost would miraculously appear.

"Oh come on, Parkinson - Are you really going to believe anything Davis says?"Millicent asked in disbelief, one eyebrow raised.


"What's worse, we even said it was a bluff- And I don't lie-,"Tracey mumbled in fake hurt.

Daphne and Millicent gave her pointed looks.

"..That often- Fine! I tend to let little touch ups of the truth out from time to time."

"To time,"Daphne added.

"To time, over and over,"Millicent continued.

"You're making me look like a pathological liar in front of Granger."

"Which you are,"they both chorused.



1:09am , First Year Slytherin Boys' Dorm

Ron wanted the ground to open up and suck him in as he sat in his four poster bed, emerald curtains drawn shut. One of his brothers must've managed to send a letter back home by now, right?

He could clearly imagine how his mum's face would fill with disgust as she read about how he'd been sorted into the House of Snakes. She'd probably send a Howler. Perhaps turn the probably into a definitely..

What would his father do? Rage at him as well? Be disappointed? The very thought of upsetting his parents made him want to hurl.

When he said he wanted to be the first in his family to do something different.. He hadn't meant this. He hadn't meant to become a disgrace to the Weasley name.

The redheaded boy shut his eyes tightly as the hot tears that had threatened to escape his eyes since dinner finally ran down his freckled cheeks.

Ron's heart was pounding as all this thoughts started to grow muddled, blood rushing in his ears. The curtains closed in on him. Dizzy, disoriented, he knew he needed to get to the bathroom when he tasted bile in his mouth. He stumbled out of bed. "Gonna go puke," he said to no one.


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A/N : So sorry , just getting used to writing again ! This is a bit of a (terrible) filler chapter whilst I get my bearings together. My home life and school has just been a piece of work, unfortunately <3 However thank you all so much for the lovely suggestions! I may use some of them in the future, haha

please review

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