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eu·​dae·​mo·​nia 。noun

1 : well-being, happiness. 


In which a girl falls for a boy.

~*-*~  "That stupid Sharpie Girl" ~*-*~  

Hello! We are a trio of friends who decided to kill some time this summer writing a story. This is our first one, it took some effort but we think it turned out pretty good!

We are going to include some songs to go with each chapter if you'd like to listen to those too. You can find a playlist for it on our Spotify, Eudaemonia, and we'll include the songs at the top of the chapters too

Here's a few mood boards we made for our main cast:


Sammie Evans

Sammie Evans

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Theodore Solano

Theodore Solano

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EudaemoniaWhere stories live. Discover now