Chapter 13

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Songs for this chapter: See You Again - Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth

~*-*~ ~*-*~

"You're what?!" Theodore cried, confused.

"I'm going to Australia on an exchange program. The new term starts on the 12th of July. I'm leaving a week beforehand so I can settle in with my host family." Sammie looked at the ground sadly as she said those words.

Theodore stood there in silence, and Sammie started to worry that she may have just ruined everything by taking this exchange.

"So you're really leaving." Theodore said, "How long will you be gone?"

"I'm doing a full term, which means I'll be back in mid-September."

"That's a long time..." Theodore lamented.

"I know, but it's a great opportunity. I've thought long and hard about this... I hope it doesn't ruin what we have."

Theodore looked up at her in shock. "Ruin what we have? You mean, you aren't going to break up with me?"

"What are you talking about, of course not!" Sammie exclaimed. She watched as Theodore released a breath he probably didn't realize he was holding.

"Thank god" he muttered. He looked her in the eye and gave her a bit of a sad smile.

"We still have a few weeks until you leave! Let's make the most of it, shall we? Maybe we can even go on one last date before you go."

"That sounds great!" Sammie smiled. "But you better be taking me on more than one date" she teased.

Theodore's only response was a wide grin.

~*-*~ The night before Sammie leaves ~*-*~

Today was Sammie's last day before moving to Australia for the next few months. She had spent a lot of time with her friends, and all of them were sad to see her go, but excited for her to have such a great opportunity.

Sammie and Theodore had gone on plenty of dates outside of hanging out with their friends, and Sammie was satisfied with the amount of time she spent with him before she left.

After setting aside the last few things to put in her bag in the morning, she started getting ready to crawl into bed when she heard a noise at her window. Clink. She looked briefly at her window, but quickly dismissed it as her imagination. Until she heard it again. Clink. Weird.

She pulled back her curtains to look out the window but saw nothing. As she turned to walk away from her window, the noise happened for a third time. Clink. Ok, this was definitely not her imagination.

This time, she opened her window and peered down at the ground. There in the darkness she could barely make out a familiar figure. "Theodore?"

"Hey, Sharpie." He smiled. "Up for one last date?"

Despite it being late, Sammie nodded her head enthusiastically. She could sleep on the plane. She closed the window and the curtains, hastily shoved on some socks and shoes, and quietly went out the back door to meet Theodore. He wore an oversized hoodie and jeans, nothing crazy, which was good considering she hadn't exactly dressed up either. His hair was as messy as ever, and his eyes reflected the moonlight.

"So... what are we doing?" Sammie asked him. He smiled at her, and picked up his backpack that he had set on the ground.

"You'll see," He smirked and started walking down the street. Eventually, they ended up at a park with a big open field. Taking out a blanket from his bag, he laid it on the ground. Suddenly, Sammie realized what was happening.

"Stargazing?" She asked.

"Yep!" Theodore said. "It was a nice night, and I managed to snag an astronomy book from the library."

Sammie smiled and sat down on the blanket. "It sounds perfect."

Theodore sat down too, reached into his sack, and pulled out a bag of goldfish. "I figured we might get hungry."

After a while, Sammie started shivering where she lay on the ground. Wordlessly, Theodore sat up and pulled off his hoodie in one (Taylor) swift motion and tossed it on her lap.

Sammie happily pulled it on and layed back down next to him. And that's where they stayed for a long time, soaking in each other's presence and enjoying the clear night.

~*-*~ The next day ~*-*~

The day had come. It was time for Sammie to get on the bus and head down to the airport. Her friends had gathered at her house for one last goodbye.

"This is the last time I'm asking you this," Hayley said to her, "Do you have everything? You're not forgetting anything vital?" She was oddly dressed up for 8 am, wearing bright red lipstick, a brown brimmed hat, and a flannel

"Stop nagging, I've got everything," Sammie rolled her eyes fondly.

Beatrice, who was sitting on her couch, stood up and hugged her tightly. "Don't you dare forget about us!" she cried into her shoulder.

"You guys are overreacting, I'm only going to be gone for a few months." With a few more tearful goodbyes, Sammie packed the last of her things in the car and was driven down to the bus station.

There at the station, the rest of her friends waited for her. Liam, Ryan, Quinton, and Theodore (of course) were all there waiting to say their own goodbyes.

Theodore grabbed one of Sammie's bags and the group headed to the right platform.

"Aw man we're going to miss you, Sammie." sighed Liam generically.

"Yeah, it's going to be weird without you around," Cory agreed, suddenly appearing on his sk8board.

Ryan took off his sombre navy blue fedora with a feather tucked into the ribbon and twirled it in his hands. "I wish you weren't going so far away," he said. "This time difference is going to be a pain"

Sammie went around the group, giving them all a goodbye hug. Finally, she arrived at the goodbye she dreaded most.

"I guess this is goodbye." Theodore said sorrowfully. Tears started flowing freely down her face as they fell into a tender embrace. They stayed like that, feeling each other's warmth and savouring every second they had left. Too soon after that, the driver called for the remaining stragglers to board the bus and they reluctantly parted.

"I've got to go," said Sammie. Theodore nodded sadly and wished her another goodbye.

As she boarded the bus, Sammie reminded herself that this wasn't the last time she would see these people. She'd call them all the time, and she'd be back before she knew it.

That didn't make the goodbye any easier though.

She'd managed to snag a window seat, the ideal choice in this situation, and she looked out the window to her friends still on the platform. The bus engine started with a low rumble and her friends waved as it started to pull away.

"Good luck!" shouted Quinton, waving a Blackpink flag. Sammie smiled back at them.

Suddenly, Theodore started running. He was chasing the bus! What a crazy person. He ran along all the platforms, trying desperately to keep up with Sammie's window and avoid running people over. Eventually though, he ran out of room, and the bus pulled away from the station, taking Sammie with it. She laughed to herself at her boyfriend's antics, despite the tears streaming down her face. She watched the bus station fade out of view as she left it all behind.

Australia, you'd better be ready for Sammie Evans.

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