Chapter 2

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Songs for this chapter: Fifteen (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift, Fuck You - Lily Allen

~*-*~ ~*-*~

As Sammie walked through the big glass doors, she was hit with a blast of cool air. "Thank goodness this school has air conditioning," she said. She looked down at her schedule and headed to her first class - English. Sammie was especially excited for this class, so she hurried to the second floor.

When she entered the class she realized she was the only one there! The teacher looked up from her desk with her eyes wide. "Class doesn't start for another ten minutes. Don't you want to wait outside and talk to your friends?"

"No, I don't have any friends."

"That's unfurnished. Why don't you help me set up then?"

Sammie smiles as the teacher hands her a stack of worksheets. "Everyone should get two packages. Oh and my name is Ms. McGowen btw." Sammie smiled and dutifully distributed the worksheets to every desk.

"I'm very excited for this year. I want to become a writer one day."

"That's great Sammie! I can tell you'll be a responsible student," Ms. McGowen says warmly.

Just then, a few students walk into the classroom, including a rather generic looking kid with dark hair and brown monochromatic clothes. His hoodie was a bit wrinkled and the converse adorning his feet were torn in several places. Unfortunately, he chose the seat right next to Sammie and just sat down with a thunk.



"My name is Liam."

"I'm Sammie."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too,"

And then they just sat in silence.

~*-*~ 5 minutes later ~*-*~

Theodore Solano was late. He was so late, in fact, that he was seriously considering ditching school altogether and staying at home to hang out with his dog, and best friend, Buddy. Then he remembered that he promised his friends he would show up today, so that wasn't an option.

Once he finally arrived, Ms. McGowen had already started her lesson, so he quietly tiptoed to the last empty seat in the back of the class, which his friends Quinton and Ryan had saved for him.

Ryan was wearing a simply splendid pink fedora (as he should). After getting settled, he noticed a girl he hadn't seen before sitting in one of the front row seats in the class.

"Who's the new kid?" he asked Quinton, who was listening to Hip by Mamamoo.

"Idk" they responded.

"What's she doing next to Liam?" Theo added, confused.

"I mean Liam is great," added Ryan, wishing his friend was sitting with them instead.

"What a weirdo," Theo commented, noticing the sharpie sticking out of her hair, being used to hold it in a tight bun.

"She probably sat next to him because she's the only other person insane enough to show up so early" Quinton added "We'll meet up with Liam next period"

Throughout the class, Theo decided that he liked Sharpie Girl less and less. She seemed a little too interested in what the teacher was saying. She raised her hand a little too much and listened a little too intently to instructions. Most importantly, she knew the answers to too many questions - certainly more than the average human being (this in particular made Theo quite suspicious).

Stupid Sharpie Girl.

As he leaned over to try and get a look at something other than the back of her head, Ms. McGowen finally noticed him. "Theodore!" she stated, "You decided to join us today. I thought you were absent."

This prompted the Sharpie Girl to turn around and observe him. She gave him a dirty look and said, "He wasn't here earlier Ms. McGowen, he must have snuck in late."

"Oh, well thank you Sammie. I guess that means you will have to go to the office, Theodore, and get a late slip."

Theo got up angrily and marched to the office.

That stupid Sharpie girl.

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