new teammates for the exams

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Author's not: I wanted to let you know that this takes place near episode 50.

y/n awoke in her bed, still sore from the training she endured yesterday. She got up and stretched,"ugh, that was interesting" she recovered the memories of her conversation with kaguya and Jubi, she smiled,"I guess I have to show her that humans aren't all evil" her thoughts were interrupted by Himawari coming into her room with a sleepy face,"momma is almost done making breakfast, she said to get ready and come downstairs" the young girl yawned cutely and rubbed her eye. y/n hopped out of her bed and smiled at her new younger sister,"thanks Hima i'll come down when i'm ready" y/n got out of her bed and Himawari closed the door and went to her room to get ready as well. Boruto was already gone to meet up with his friends before school, so he already took his food to go. y/n put on an outfit (the outfit is whatever you like as long as it's good for battle and more darker colored). she left her room and went downstairs and saw hinata cooking,"do you need any help?" she asked and hinata smiled and nodded,"can you help me set the table dear?" she gave y/n some plates and the white haired girl set the silverwear and plates out. Himawari came down not too long after and they ate their food in silence with a few remarks about how good the food was.

'time to begin training, your exams begin in two days' tobirama said

'you should spend those days honing the stuff you already know' hashirama said

'that and counter techniques' hiruzen commented with a hum in agreement from minato

'this is gonna be a long two days' y/n whined

~a few minutes later~

y/n was on the lake her class had practiced water walking on. She was good at walking on water but moving and casting jutsus was a whole nother thing for her. She slipped a few times and ended up getting soaked while some of her shadow clones fell and disappeared into the water.

'you're getting the hang of it, just concentrate' tobirama said

'you're a natural' the first cheered her on while she struggled

'thanks guys, i may have a lot of chakra but it's no use if i can't control it properly'

'wise thinking' the third complimented her

After half on hour of struggling she was able to finally cast her shadow clones without losing concentration and falling in the water,"I did it! woohoo-" unfortunately her victory speech was interrupted by a fish that slapped it's tail against her leg,"eh?!" she freaked out and fell into the water.

'....' y/n could feel tobirama facepalming

She got out of the water and onto the dry land. y/n spat out some water from her mouth,"ugh, did not see that fish" a laugh made her immediately jump up. Boruto was standing in front of her with a smug look on his face,"wow, talk about a fish out of water, you're pretty strong but dumb too!" his teasing was interrupted by a fist slamming onto his head,"ack!" he fell to his knees and rubbed his head,"what was that for Sarada?!" he looked at the uchiha who was currently glaring at him,"you shouldn't pick on your sister, besides, the hokage said she just moved to konoha from the outside, she's been living by herself, so as far as i'm concerned she's pretty good at it!" the angry ravenette yelled at boruto and he covered his face with his hands,"i know i know! jeez, you're so bossy" his retort got another glare from Sarada and he just chuckled nervously.

'boruto and his friend remind me a bit of me and kushina' minato nervously commented

An albino boy walked up to y/n," you're our new teammate? you seem interesting, i'm mitsuki, and this is sarada uchiha" he and y/n shook hands while sarada and boruto got over their argument and they turned to y/n and mitsuki,"oi mitsuki, try not too creep her out too much" boruto snarkily remarked which got another punch on his head from sarada," don't listen to him,anyway, we came to tell you something the hokage said. He wanted us to tell you that our team had over three members, so he got two other people from another team to be put together with you since their teammate didn't get recommended for the exam" the uchiha explained and y/n nodded," that's alright, where are they?" she asked and sarada pointed to a big building," they're waiting for you in front of the hokage's building(i don't know what it's called)" sarada said and y/n nodded once again and started to walk away," thanks! i'm gonna go meet them now!" y/n said goodbye and realized she was still wet from earlier,"i should change"

~not too long after~

Y/n arrived in front of the building after changing. She saw two boys waiting near the building, they were sitting next to each other and talking. the girl ran up to meet them," hey! sorry i'm a bit late! i'm Touka by the way!" the boys noticed her and the blonde with a deep shade of brown eyes walked up to her," I'm Minoru and this is my uh" he scratched his head and looked at the other boy for confirmation, the other boy was red headed with yellow eyes, they nodded at him. Minoru smiled and turned back to Touka,"this is Rin, he's my boyfriend" he explained and Touka looked a little surprised but got over it and smiled," oh, it's nice to meet you. you don't have to be shy, I don't mind" she said and Minoru looked happy about her answer and smiled," great! our other teammate wasn't recommended for the exams so we got partnered with you" he explained and Rin walked over as well," Mino, we should tell her about our battle style and figure out a way to work together" the red head turned to y/n," I usually use genjutsu and ranged attacks, Minoru likes to be up close and prefers using taijutsu and his sword" Rin pointed to a short sword on Minoru's back," yeah, i'm not too good with my chakra like Rin is" he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. y/n listened to their explanations and hummed,"i see, we should battle with each other a bit and figure out a good way to work together for the exams in two days, so we might need to hurry and improvise" she said and Rin and Minoru nodded," that sounds like a plan, if we had more time we could do better but unfortunately we only have two days" Rin agreed and Minoru nodded at his boyfriend's explanation. y/n fist bumped the air," alright! i know a good patch of forest to train in, let's go!"

For the next two days y/n trained with her new teammates the best she could until it was time to finally take on the exams together.

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