New life

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y/n smiled and nodded happily, "thank you so much na- I mean dad" y/n looked very happy and Naruto got out of his seat and hugged her," i'm glad to have you as part of my family.......daughter"(yoooooooo) y/n hugged back and Naruto looked over to Shikamaru,"Shikamaru I need you to take care of the place while I bring Touka here to her new home" Shikamaru nodded and walked over to Naruto's desk and plopped down in the chair and set to work,"come on Touka" Naruto grabbed her hand and walked her outside of the building, lots of people waved at them and smiled, Naruto smiled back and waved. They continued down the street to the house when choji walked out of a store and walked over to them,"hey Naruto who's the girl you're with?" he asked and Naruto stopped walking and smiled at him,"this is Touka she's new to the village, she'll be living with me and Hinata from now on" he answered and Choji looked down to her,"well it's nice to meet you touka. I hope you have a nice time here" he smiled at Touka and looked back to Naruto,"i'll need to get going Chocho and me are planning to have an eating contest at the new food store that just opened up, bye Naruto bye Touka!" Choji walked off and Naruto turned to her,"that was Choji he's a friend of mine" they continued to walk,"he has a daughter named Chocho i'm sure you two will get along if you met her" he continued to talk to y/n about his friends and y/n listened as she looked around the village 'wow this place is amazing' she thought and smiled brightly as she listened to Naruto talk while they walked to the house.


"And here we are Touka!" Naruto exclaimed loudly and opened the front gate to the house. Touka looked at the big house as she walked in through the gate 'wow so this is Naruto's house, cool!' she smiled at him and the door to the house opened and Hinata walked out,"Naruto I heard from Shikamaru what happened" she walked out and hugged Naruto then looked down to touka,"hi i'm Hinata, it's nice to finally get to meet you" she smiled at y/n and y/n smiled back,"you too" Himawari walked out of the house,"papa!" she ran over to Naruto and Naruto picked Himawari up and spun her around,"Himawari guess what" she smiled,"what papa?" she laughed and he set her down,"you have a new sister, this is Touka" he pointed to y/n and Himawari looked up at her, "really!?yay I have a sister!" she giggled and ran over to y/n,"hi Touka I'm Himawari we're sisters now" she said and hugged y/n and y/n giggled and hugged back,"hi Himawari it's nice to have a sister I've never had one before" Himawari let go of y/n and grabbed her arm,"come on I wanna show you my room" she dragged y/n to the house and up into her room,"tada!" Himawari said as she opened the door and y/n looked around Himawari's colorful room,"wow Hima it's really pretty" y/n said and walked around Himawari's room,"i know,oh!, look at my drawings Touka-chan" Himawari pointed to her wall with a bunch of drawings of her family on it,"wow Hima it's really pretty" y/n said and walked over to the wall of color. Then the door opened and Boruto walked in,"oi you're making too much noise Himawa- who's this?" Boruto asked as he stared at y/n,"onii-chan this is Touka our new sister!" Himawari said excitedly to the sleepy looking Boruto,"what? what do you mean sister?" he looked at Himawari confused and looked back to y/n,"wha-" before he could finish Naruto walked in,"oh Boruto I need to speak to you" Boruto looked at Naruto,"ok i'm coming" Boruto said and followed after Naruto down the stairs,"Touka chan do you want to see your room?" Himawari asked and Touka nodded,"sure i'd love to Himawari" she followed Himawari to her room 'omg I can't believe I just met THE Boruto stay cool y/n stay cool' with that y/n took a deep breathe and Himawari to a door,"here it is!" Himawari pushed open the door and walked inside with y/n following after her. The room had a bed and a nighstand with a lamp on top as well as a dresser with a window looking outside, it was plain but it was still a nice room,"wow it's really nice" y/n said. As her and Himawari (I keep almost writing Hinami because I watch too much Toky ghoul lol) were laying on the bed talking they heard,"WHAT!?" from downstairs and they looked at each other and decided to check it out. when they got downstairs Naruto was sitting on the couch and Boruto was standing up and had a surprised expression on his face,"she's your new sister Boruto I suggest you get to know her a little better" Naruto said as he was typing away on a computer,"But you barely have enough time to see me and Himawari, how are you going to handle her as well!?" Boruto looked angry but Naruto sighed,"Boruto listen to me, I know I don't get much time with you and Himawari but this girl needs help, she didn't have any parents she needed a family" Naruto explained and Boruto looked at the ground with a shadow covering his face,".....ok" Boruto said and walked out of the room passing up Himawari and y/n on the way. He looked at y/n,"tch" he tched at her with an angry expression(my Levi senses are tingling) and walked away. Naruto looked at Himawari and y/n surprised,"oh! I didn't see you two there, sorry about that" he said and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and Himawari let out a yawn,"i'm getting sleepy" she said and Naruto walked over to them,"it's about time to go to bed, Touka i'm going to bring you to school in the morning I aleady signed you up ok?" he smiled at her and she nodded and hummed excitedly 'yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyeyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyeseyes' y/n thought excitedly and started having a dance of victory in her mind 'I get to meet everybodyyyy!' Naruto brought Himawari to her room first and tucked her in,"night night my ladybug" he kissed her forehead and escorted y/n to her room and tucked her in as well, he kissed her forehead and gave her a closed eyed smile,"i hope you have a nice time here" he said and turned off the lamp,"goodnight" he said and walked out of the room closing the door behind him,"night" y/n said and started to drift off to sleep.

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