Chapter 3 Pt.2

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The two girls spent the most of the morning cuddled into each other only moving when necessary. Deena removed her head from Sam's neck when her stomach growled, "Are you hungry?"

"Nope not really." The blonde sighed in content.

"Josh!" The brunette shouted out of the blue, startling the other girl. "Josh!" She shouted again, only this time it was louder. When she received no response she groaned, "Josh!" Still there was no response.

Deena turned to look at Sam, "I'm going to go get us some food." She shook her head no and held tighter on the brunette. "Sam come on. I'm hungry." Deena whined but the blonde grip never released. A last minute decision was made between staying cuddle up to Sam or getting food.

The brunette couldn't deny the sound of food so she tried to stand up. It was difficult and a bit annoying. Sam wasn't helping one bit with her problem, "Come on you koala, work with me." Incoherent words were said by Sam but nonetheless the blonde adjusted herself.

Her legs wrapped themselves around the brunette's waist and her area were sling loosely around Deena's neck. Her head kept its place by Deena's neck. "Good enough." The brunette mumbled.

Her wrapped themselves around Sam's thighs, hoisting the other girl up a little higher. She kept them there as she made her way out of her room, "Josh!" The brunette tried again. When she received no answer once again she sighed angrily, "What the fuck could you possibly be doing that you couldn't hear me screaming!"

Deena made her way to the kitchen a little fast considering how she was starving. Almost tripping over nothing she caught herself on the ledge of the countertop. Sam laughed, "That was a close one." The brunette nodded in response, opening the fridge to look for food.

There wasn't much to eat so she grabbed the cold pizza from a couple of nights ago. One hand held onto the pizza box and the other supported the weight of Sam. When Deena opened the box she wanted to cry in joy, there were plenty of slices for the two of them and there was pineapple on it. Most definitely one of Deena's favorites.

She grabbed a slice for brother her hand Sam but when she offered it to her, Sam shook her head in protest, "Absolutely not. I will not eat a pizza that has been contaminated by pineapple."

The brunette chuckled, "Just remove the pineapple."

"Just remove the pineapple." Sam mimicked, her hands doing weird gestures, "You can't just remove the pineapple it's juice stains the whole pizza. So even without the pineapple, it will still taste like pineapple." The brunette shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Well we can order some more pizza if you want." Deena suggested.

Sam only shook her head no, "It's fine, I'll eat something later."

"No Sam, you have to eat something." Deena replied softly. Sam smiled at her but shook her head no again. The brunette rolled her eyes about to respond when another voice chimed in.

"Hello." Both the girls screamed in surprise at the new voice. Deena almost had a heart attack when she turned around.

"What the fuck! When did you two get here? And weren't you suppose to be babysitting all weekend?" She questioned in an accusing tone.

"Well we were but then the kids parents came back, so here we are." Kate smiled widely at the two. Winking at Deena who in returned flipped her off the best she could with both hands still occupied.

Sam had already removed her head from Deena's neck and got into a more comfortable position so she could look at the two in front of them. "Hi, I'm Sam." She offered a smile to them.

"Oh we know." Kate replied while Simon nodded along happily. "I'm Kate, this one here is Simon." She motioned to the boy beside her who extend his hand for the girl to shake.

Deena rolled her eyes, "Not to be mean or anything but why did you guys come here? There are millions of other place you could have gone."

"Keep rolling your eyes and maybe you'll see your brain up there." Simon and Kate's eyes widen before they burst into laughter. While Deena looked down at the blonde in surprise.

"I like her, can we keep her?" Simon asked his hands clapping together.

Deena rolled her eyes once again, "She's not an object."

"Never said she was, anyways can we adopt her into our group. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, I'm going to keep bothering you. Please, ple-"

"Fine, oh my god just please shut up. Also it's Sam's choice." The brunette turned to look down at the blonde girl still clung to her body. The other two also turned to the blonde girl waiting for her response.

"T-thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to decline. Actually my uhm my mom called and wants me home, so I best be going." Sam stuttered out. She detached herself from the girl and left before anyone could say anything.

"Nice going Deena. You scared her off." Simon whined.

"I'm sorry, did you just say I scared her off? I'm positive it was you." Deena scoffed, turning to look at Kate. "Tell Simon he was the one who scared her off."

"Yeah I've got to go as well, bye." She waved to the two of them, rushing out the door.

"Well then I'll be off as well, bye and you totally scared her off!" He shouted from the door way and quickly closed it before Deena could protest.
I'm going to bloody unalive myself, my friends and I were watching Fear Street and I thought they were watching it as well but turns out they were looking for my account. They found it and now I'm dying in embarrassment.

If you're reading this friends of mine, you violated my privacy. Also I fell asleep this why this part didn't release earlier and then I got distracted.

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