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Hey all, Maddy is here for you all again.
So wanna know the story further?
Let me tell you what happened next.

Ada in the whole family was sitting in the hall when Roshni arrived.

She greeted everybody.
Sara and Saima looked at Roshni.

That moment Aman also entered Junaid Manzil. He looked at Roshni raising an eyebrow and asked her

"where were you Roshni?
I told you to come earlier so that you can discuss issues with the family and also ask Ada what type of decoration she wants for the wedding.
You are late and I don't like people who delay in the work."

"Actually Khan Baba..." but was interrupted.

"Aman Isn't your husband... so call him either by his name or as Mr. Khan.... but not this.... this Khan Baba." Adaa said.

Roshni had tears.

"Ok mam as you say." Roshni said hiding her tears.

"You didn't answer my question..." Aman asked her.

"Actually sir I was busy in the Bakery work so that's why I am late."

Aman knew she was lying.
As he himself was there when she was crying like hell.
No one can see her husband's marriage with any other girl and he knows it well that how it affects a person when the life partner leaves alone.

His mum suffered that.
Aman has seen those days with her when his Abbu left his Ammi alone, repeating the same with his wife he wasn't feeling well as they were not divorced.

"Tell me what decoration you want for your wedding for each function and if you want themes I can give you that too." Roshni started.
And this way their talks continued.

After a while, everybody left.

Sara and Saima and Roshni were alone.

Saima said "bhabhi, why don't you tell everything to bhai?"

"What if he gets to know everything? He will bring me back due to guilt...." Roshni said.

"Adaa and he was gonna get married and may be they shared a relationship before marriage.
Now it's time for them to get united." She continued.

Saima started weeping badly.

"It's all because of me... I spoiled everything.
If I had not met Aftab that night, all this might had never happened."

"You Spoilt your life in order to save me and I can't it do anything that's why it pains a lot." She continued.

On the other hand Ada was happy and was planning how to ruin everything. "I won't let you live happily.
I won't!I won't! I won't ever do that! Aman is mine only mine."

That time Rakh jinn came.

"Aal Is going well... as we planned." Said adaa.

"Yes! And now Ayaana is here...
We can kill her, whenever we want." Said Rakh jinn.

Roshni prepared for the ring ceremony of aman and adaa.

Some of the guests were talking ill about Roshni as she was also present there, and whatever happened at Saima's nikah, was known to everyone.

Roshni heard them, and was heart broken.
The ceremony was going on, but Roshni left the place and went to the terracemmm balcony.
Sara and Saima went following her.

She was sitting in a corner.

Aman had noticed Roshni leaving the place.

So, he followed her.


I won't tell you rest of the story today.
Will Aman get to know the truth? Will he realise her innocence.


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