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After Aman and Roshni's divorce, Aman and Adaa's wedding preparations began again, and it was their engagement that day.

Roshni made all the required arrangements, and was busy handling the caterers, when Sara and Saima came to her, and took her to the terrace.

Saima sat there, hugging Roshni tightly.

"It was all my fault and you..." before Saima could say anything, Roshni stopped her as she sensed Aman.

"No.. Saima... it wasn't fault. It was just a deal between me and your brother. He married me to save Ammi, and I married him for money. That was the deal and I did the same. Nothing is your fault Saima." She said to cover things up.

"What are you saying Bhabhi, it's all my fault. If that day I...." Saima was about to complete, but was cut by Roshni.

"Nothing Saima, it's not your fault your Bhai's engagement and you should be present there. See he is here to call you." She said indicating towards Aman.
"Bhai! you!" Sara exclaimed.

"Yes, Sara and Saima, go and help Adaa to get ready, she needs your help." He told them, and they left.

He could see, that something was bothering Roshni. But he didn't want to highlight that topic. He thought that he disliked her, but the truth was, In these days, Aman had started liking Roshni's approach regarding the work front.

Her ideas, her thoughts, her creativity and everything.

Moreover, she never took the credits herself, and in spite of being treated that way by him before their divorce, she never mistreated anyone.

"Why are you sitting here? Everyone is searching for you, because you are managing the arrangements." He said, trying to sound rude.
But couldn't do that, seeing her face. She came out of her thoughts hearing his voice.

"I am coming. You must be downstairs. Your wife to be is waiting for you." She said and got up.

She left and Aman followed her.

"Why do I feel that something is wrong! Something is fishy about it. What was that! Saima was about to say something, but Roshni , she stopped her..

Aman was lost in thoughts when Dadi called him.

The function was going on. It was time for a performance, which Sara and Saima had prepared, but when they were just about to start, all the house got covered with black smoke.

There was complete terror among people, they were unaware of what was happening. But Aman knew what it was.

It was KAALA JINN, who was there for Aman!


"Aman and Ayaana are now separated. They aren't married now. And I think, Ayaana hates Aman now, for behaving this way with her." It was Adaa, who was talking to Raakh Jinn.

"And that means she won't come in our way if we harm Aman now. There's no better news, I am, going to inform HIM. Now, The deal will be fulfilled and You will also get back your Aman." She told Adaa

Then she went and informed KALA JINN about it, and that's how he is here.

"I have rights on your life Aman! And now you don't have any way to escape." His voice echoed in Junaid Manzil. Then Aman and Kaala Jinn engaged in a battle, he attacked Aman with free balls and Aman tried his best to hold them in the air, using his magic, but no use.

The fight went on and Aman got severely wounded.

He fell to the groun, and blood was oozing out of his wounds. Soon, he lost his consciousness.

On the other hand, a frightened Adaa escaped funding a way. "Finally! I will kill you and finish the deal." Kaala Jinn said, as he advanced towards Aman.

Tabeezi and others were helpless, as they couldn't move out of the shield which was created by Aman to protect them.

He was quite close to Aman and was about to kill him, when he felt something sharp pierced his hand. "In you dreams !" He heard a voice, and looked up to find Roshni standing there, determined to save Aman.

She again took her blades and threw them at him, creating another shield to protect the family.

Then, she engaged in the fight, and won. But, she was badly injured.

Kaala Jinn and Raakh Jinn left the house, as they realized that Ayaana won't let them harm him.

Everyone in the house forgot about that incident, leaving Adaa and Roshni and the Khan family when Kaala jinn vanished.

Dadi handled the situation and told the guests to wait for some more time, while other members of the family took Aman to his room. Adaa also came back to the hall, just to grab attention from the family.

Sara and Saima bandaged Aman, and after some time he gained consciousness.

"Aman, the guests are waiting outside, complete the engagement first or people will cook in their heads." Dadi said, caressing his hairs. He went outside and engagement was done. Everyone left, and Aman went to take rest. He slept due to tiredness.

In the evening when he woke up, he found Adaa sitting by his bed, shedding Crocodile tears.

On the other hand, Roshni was nowhere to be found.

Where was she? She was also wounded, even more than Aman.

And she wasn't in the house from the moment, when Kaala Jinn left.

Now what next? Will he know the truth?

Sorry but I won't tell you so easily if he got to know the truth or not. Come back to know.


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