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Now, let's drift into the world of magic. 

Roshni took the arrows herself. She lost her consciousness. Aman's earth displaced, seeing her in that condition. He could not make out what to do next. But, Tabeezi who was keeping watch on Aman, reached the forest using Peetal Darwaaza. It was quite harmful for her to do so, but she did it for the sake of her son.

"Khanbaba, you can't do anything, this is what destiny wished." Roshni said, before closing her eyes.

That exact moment, Tabeezi reached there with a dagger, which was dipped in a spell-casted fluid, which had the ability to counter the effect of the fluid of blood moon.

"If you want to revive her, or cure her, you need to stab her as many times as the number of arrows she was wounded with." Tabeezi told him.

"But Tabeezi, she is already wounded... and unconscious how can I..." He stopped as he was unable to speak further.

"We are losing her Aman! What would be the use of these tears and care, if she leaves you alone. Just do it now, and once she is out of danger, we will cure her, Right!" She handed him the dagger.

"Tabeezi... I can't How can I..."

"To save Her Aman ! Just do it !Or if you wish, let her go!" Tabeezi said sternly. She knew he needs strength to do this. Aman stabbed her, 3 times. The blood which came in contact with the arrows of the moon had become blue. And when he stabbed her, all that poison came out of her body. He let the blood flow. Aman and Tabeezi stood there for a while and then they came back to Junaid Manzil.

"Rubina! I can't tell what you have done for this family; and specially Aman. I am indebted to you." Dadi smiled, and caressing Rubina's hair.

"Ammi! He is my son too, Right! so, any mother would have done it for her child. Rubina Ji smiled.

After a while, Roshni gained consciousness, that was when she found everyone around her.

"What happened? How am I here, I mean...I..."

Roshni couldn't make it out.

"You saved my life Roshni." Aman said, his eyes were blood red, head lowered in guilt.

"But I don't remember... I was there in the bakery playing with Sonu." She said, confused.

"Roshni, what do you remember? What bejour you feel unconscious?" Tabeezi questioned. 

"Tabeezi, I used to work in a bakery after I went from here, and all what I remember is, I was playing with the son of the bakery owner; and there I saw a portrait, And it was of a lady, and... she was standing here in Junaid Manzil."

"What!" all were confused..

"Yes!" She replied.

Till then, Salma Ji reached Junaid Manzil with Sonu, as Aman had informed her when he brought Roshni back

"Laado, you told me that this baby's mother is dead, and he was in danger, so you came taking him " Salma Ji said, bringing Sonu into the room. 

This made Parveen tensed, her earth displaced beneath her feet, seeing Sonu.

"Yes! He is the son of Kabir Sir, my bakery's manager. And Sonu told me that it was his mom in the pictures. I don't remember anything except it." Roshni told them.

"This is because of that water, which I used to counter the effect of the blood moon's poison." Tabeezi told her.

"And about this boy, let me try to find out about him." She said.

"No need of that Rubina! He is the son of Kabir Junaid Khan!" Parveen told everyone.

"KABIR... JUNAID... KHAN... means." Aman was shocked.. 

"Kabir is your elder twin brother, and Kaala Jinn was supposed to take him but I left him in an orphanage to save him and he t...." she told them about Kabir's marriage, and Sonu, and everything.

Aman was happy to know about his brother.

"I will go to that bakery to search for Kabir." He said.

"I will also come with you Mr. Khan."

"Say Khanbaba."

"OK! Khanbaba!" He again heard those words from his stubborn wife. Oh sorry! not his wife,but his love.

"But you are not..." he was about to say, but, how can he say something?

"Ji No... I said will come, means I will I come. And listen! Now you can't order me, because I am not your wife. And when a Nawab with cute eyes, goes on a mission to find his brother, he might need Ayana's help. And I AM GIOING WITH YOU! UNDSTAND! KHANBABA!" 

So, as usual passed an order and our khanbaba was left with no other choice, than to follow it.

"OK! As you wish." He replied, and everyone burst out laughing.

"But what about Adaa Khanbaba?" She asked him.

"She is dead." And he told her what all happened.

The Next day, they went to Kabir's house. There saw the portrait, and when he removed it, he found someone's diary.



They read it, and then read the last page on which... This was written.

"Today I felt something weird about Sonu. His eyes suddenly turned blue... as I he lost a control on himself. Then a dark shadow appeared and was about to take him, but I managed to save him, but later I realised it was a DJINN. is He want me to go to him, in return of Sonu and I am leaving, goodbye.

Aman's anger was on its peak.

He took the diary with him and left, Roshni and Aman came back home, and told everyone about Inayat.

"We can find out if she is dead be not. I will place this diary on Aatish-e-Jinn which Aman would light, and if She is dead, this diary, which belongs to her, will turn back, and if not, it will tell us where she is." Tabeezi told them, and she began the procedure. 

The diary began to glow, and a hologram like image of Inayat, in the Jinn's cave, emerged out of it.

"She is held captive by the Jinn, and he is using her to force your brother, to go against everyone." Tabeezi said.

Now it seemed that Aman had lost all his senses.

"I am going to bring her back! I won't let him torture her for no reason. " He said, and went out. Roshni followed him.

They reached the forest.

Aman Summoned the Djinn. He asked him about Inayat.

"She is inside the cave! You can take her, if you defeat me." He said with a wild devilish laugh, which echoed in the forest.

Then they got engaged in a fierce combat. At last, with Roshni's help, Aman was able to defeat the Djinn, and as per the deal, they brought Inayat even home

Now, when she came to Junaid Manzil, Sonu's happiness had no bounds. All were happy, but Kabir was nowhere to be found! 

After a few days, Inayat had recovered, she was healthy and happy with the family; and Aman and Roshni were also growing closer, everything was fine, but not "everything" was fine. 

Where is Kabir? Why is he missing? Is he planning something? Is there something, which is still behind a cover.

Come back to know.


A long chapter!


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