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So, let's begin..


Aman followed Roshni.
He reached the terrace, and there she was! Crying like a baby! An innocent baby, when Sara and Saima came to her. Now, Sara and Saima were consoling her.

"Bhabhi... all this is because of us."
Saima said and hugged her tight.

"Bhai! You! Here!" Sara exclaimed, as she saw Aman.

"Yes, all are calling you downstairs." He said, and went.

When Sara and Saima left, Aman again went there.

"Why are you sitting here? All are waiting for you downstairs." He told her.

"I think you should go, your to be fiance is waiting for you and..." She replied.

"I wanna talk to you." Aman said, cutting her sentence in between.

"What happened?"

"It's just that; that we... we should file divorce. So that, you are free." Aman said.

"But why do you want ME to be free? If I got my freedom, don't you think I will harm someone else, as I did to you?" Roshni questioned, trying to sound confident.

"No, it's not that... I want myself to be free from you, before I marry Adaa. That's it." Aman's reply broke her from inside out.

"Oh! That's what you want. Right! OK then." She said, now determined.

"Yes!" He replied, and asked her to come downstairs, saying, "I will talk to my lawyer, and we will complete the procedure by the next week." He left, and Roshni was shattered.

There, on the other hand, Adaa was happy, as she was going to get married to Aman.

"I want to talk to Adaa alone. Can I?" Everyone turned hearing Aman's voice.

"Yes! Why not Aman? We can!" She said, and went with him.

"Adaa, Roshni and I, we are already married., and I want this relationship to end, before we get married. I know you will understand me. That's the decision I have taken few minutes ago, and that's why I wanted to tell you about it. As we are going to get married after a few days, you have all the rights to know what is going on in my life. OK now! Everyone must be waiting. Let's go." Aman told her everything and they went downstairs.

Adaa's happiness was on the ninth cloud, as Aman had decided to divorce Roshni.

Till then, Roshni also came downstairs, as she was the one, who organised everything.

"Attention please! Everyone. I have taken an important decision. I hereby announce that, the ceremony Is being postponed due to unavoidable reasons." Aman told everyone.

The Khan family was happy, as they thought that he is gonna cancel the wedding.

But after everyone left, Aman told the reason behind his decision. This left everyone in shock, including Sara and Saima; they looked at Roshni, who was trying hard to bound her tears, but in vain.

There was a pin drop silence for a while.

"Aman! Think before taking any step, she is your legally wedded wife!" It was Dadi's voice, that broke the silence.

"Ammi! Why are you forcing him, if he is not willing to stay in this relationship any longer? It's his will." Parveen defended her son.

"And what about this girl Parveen! She has not uttered a single word till now! They both are a part of this marriage, and it should be broken only if both of them are willing to part ways." Dadi tries to mend the things.

"Dadi, what is the use of being in a fake relationship like this? It won't offer anything except pain." Aman spoke with a deep tone, ending it with a sigh.

"And who will wish to stay in such pure relationship with a girl like her, who doesn't even know the meaning of 'relationship'. " Aman said, pointing Roshni.

"For the first time I agree with you. There is no use of being in a relationship which has no faith, respect and belief." Roshni said, trying to control her tears, but this time, she was determined that she won't compromise with her self respect for the sake of her love for him.

"OK Then! Let's end this up." Both of them said together.


After some days, the divorce papers were ready.

"I have signed them, do your signatures here, and let this namesake relationship end." Aman said, handing her the pen and papers."You will get ₹ 50,00,000 as your haq mehr." He continued, and Roshni stopped hearing that.

"I neither need you, nor your amount! Keep it with yourself. You wanted to end this mess up. Right! And that's happening! Now no need to worry about me! Oh! Sorry! no need to let me 'ruin' your family. Roshni Ahmed is self sufficient, and I never take help from 'strangers'. So , thank you! Mr. Aman Junaid Khan. I am here till that function is going on, and will leave when it's over. That's all!" She said, and signed the papers.


After a week..

Aman's lawyer finalized the divorce proceedings, and they were separated.

Now, Roshni used to live at her own house with Salma ji., and Aman and Adaa at Junaid Manzil.

Aman's wedding preparations were resumed.

Aman's wedding preparations were resumed and even now, Roshni was managing all the stuff. But, as a wedding planner.

On the other hand, Adaa and Rakh Jinn were also upto something. What is it now? What next in RoshAn's life? Will Aman know the truth?



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