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"Please save me Aman! Some goons are behind me and my baby! They want to kill me and my child, I don't know why!" The girl pleaded

"Aliya! Just elaborate and tell me whole thing, but come in first." Aman took her in.

"They want my child, My baby! They want our Amir Aman, They want your child!" Aliya blurted out and Roshni froze at her place.

"What!" Aliya's statement made Aman exclaim in surprise,

"How can I believe you Aliya?" Roshni questioned maintaining eye contact, "I know him, he can do any of the weirdest things, but not this She had a gut feeling that Aman cannot do that.

"Who are you to ask me this question? I know all his family members, and you don't belong to his family. So just shut your mouth miss, I am not answerable to you!" Aliya shouted at her. Roshni didn't utter a single word, she stood silent and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Kiyamifal" Aman whispered and the teardrops froze in the air, Roshni noticed that and smiled a bit.

"Who told you that she doesn't belong to this family? She is the most important person in the family, my wife, Roshni Aman Junaid khan." Aman said and held Roshni by her shoulders.

"What!" Aliya couldn't believed the fact.

"Aliya, she is my daughter, daughter- in-law." Dadi told her with a smile.

Amir is your baby Aman. If you don't believe me, I can perform the DNA test for him," Aliya further tried to prove herself.

"Ok fine then, we will have the appointment for test tomorrow. Aman declared and left.

The next Day...

They went to the hospital and got the tests done. on the other hand, Parveen was busy planning as death.

"You have lost your powers because you attempted to kill the mighty King," Kaala Jinn told Parveen, the reason behind her power loss.

"Then how can I get back my powers?" Parveen, threw her query. "You need to sacrifice someone close to you, and I can return you the powers you had," Kaala Jinn struck a new deal. Your grandson. "The baby of Kabir and Aliya. I want him if you want to get back your powers," He told her.

"Kabir's son?" Parveen was confused.

"Yes! He is Kabir and Aliya's son. They met. A year ago and got married," Kaala Jinn revealed and showed her their meeting and Amir's birth.

On the other hand, Amir's test reports came. Aman opened the seal and read.

"Matched!" Aman exclaimed in disbelief. making everyone speechless.

Aliya gave a light smirk, which was noticed by Roshni. "I don't believe it. These reports can easily be altered!" Roshni denied believing her.

"But Roshni, I want to confess that we had the relationship and we were very close. I can't deny that we had nothing less than a very close bond." Aman was not convinced that Amir was his baby.

"khanbaba! I don't believe her, Amir cannot be your baby. You can't do any such thing to a girl, Roshni resisted, "I will prove my words for sure Khanbaba! Just give me some time," Roshni said and left the place.

After a while, Parveen went to the place where she had kept Kabir. He was unconscious. "You are of no use my son, but your son will make his grand ma happy," Parveen smirked. She took some of Kabir's blood and left.

She went and put some of his blood in a magical container, The blood fluid got filled inside a special cavity in the container. It changed to a sign and the same sign formed on Amir's wrist.

His eyes began to glow and his powers were unleashed.

"Markab Markab! Saavi Saava!" Parveen Summoned a special dagger and advanced towards Aliya's room, at the same time, Roshni came to Aliya's room and saw Amir's eyes glowing blue. He was playing with a toy when The coincidently moved his hand in a crescent shape and an arc formed, the same way Kabir made.

Roshni tried to recollect where had she seen such an arc before but couldn't do at that time.

She went to Farah and told her about the things. "Roshni, we can ask Ammi, Right?" Farah suggested an idea. "No Farah! I can't tell her, first I want to Evening confirm it myself." Roshni denied.

"OK Then Let's begin," Farah said, determined, and they began searching for clues but they found nothing.

It was night. Roshni came to the room and threw her tired body on the bed, "My Queen is tired I feel," Aman said sitting beside her.

"Ji Yes, I am tired. You know, when cute eyed Nawab believes that a random girl is the mother of his baby then Ayana needs to find the truth and it's quite tiring you know!' she said and turned around.

"You are a baby Roshni, a three year old baby," he said and smiled. "Let's sleep Khanbaba! You are free, but I have many things to do," she said and they slept.

It was 1:30 am.

Roshni woke up as she felt thirsty. She checked but there was no water in the room so, she went to the kitchen.

While returning, she saw Aliya talking to herself, when she noted it closely, She found there was a black snake near her ear. Roshni was stunned, she moved back and the flower vase which was kept near her, fell down making Aliya aware.

"Oh! So you are here. You know everything na! So meet Haiwana!" Aliya said and came to her actual form, "See, I am Ayana! the evil Ayaana," Aliya said and smirked.

"Finally! I knew you were lying and I will prove it for sure wait for tomorrow morning," Roshni challenged, "And remember, only one Ayana exists in the world and that is Roshni Ahmed. Oh no-no, sorry... I mean Roshni Aman Junaid Khan," Alia fumed and Roshni left with her always perfect attitude.

How will Roshni expose Aliya? Will she be able to bring out the truth or Aliya will succeed in separating Jinn-Ayana? Do you know? If yes, Evening then tell me and if not, then come back to know.


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