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The next day,

Roshni went to Tabeezi and told her about Aliya and her truth. "She is a Haiwana Tabeezi, she confessed herself yesterday, can't we prove it? Isn't there any way to prove it?" Roshni was curious.

"I have a way, but for that we need Ayana book? Tabeezi told her the plan...

Here, Aman woke up and didn't find Roshni in the room. He grew tensed "Roshni! Where are you? Are you OK?" He called her out, but no response, so he went downstairs after freshening up.

"Dadi! Have you seen Roshni?" He questioned.

"No Aman, I haven't," she told Him.

"Oh no! she is nowhere, neither she is picking calls. I need to look for her," the said and rushed out, he collided with someone on the way and that person looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Where are you going? Are you going to buy ice cream for your lovely Aliya?" he heard and stopped.

"Allah knows best! Leave me Khanbaba, I am unable to breath, "She exclaimed as he hugged her tightly.

"I was tensed Roshni. I was going to search for you. Couldn't you just tell me once before leaving!" Aman scolded her, to which she made a pout melting him.

"Leave all that, I have something. Let me tell you, Your Aliya is Haiwana, An evil Ayana." She told him.

"Roshni, please stop all this, let us accept the fact. Accepting it will take time for you I know, and I am sorry for that," Aman tried to stop her.

"Oh! Stop it Khanbaba and listen to me! I can prove it. SIM-SIM SAMARA!" She threw her clips and they came back with the Ayana book over them.

Tabeezi had also come by that time. She called Aliya, "Come here Aliya, I want to talk to you!" Tabeezi said and Aliya gave a *whatever* look, "Coming Rubina Ji!" She unwillingly answered. When Aliya came, Tabeezi began the procedure.

She chanted some spells and the book began to glow. It was carrying a pure white glow, when Roshni went near it and put her hand on the. cover, It turned golden and white birds came out of it.

The second was Aliya's turn. She hesitantly went near the book and placed her hand on the cover. As soon as she touched the cover, it began to fade and the glow changed to black. Two bats flew out of it. Aman was stunned.

"See! I told you Khanbaba, She is Haiwana!" Roshni looked at him with a victorious smile.

"Yes! I AM HAIWANA! You are right! And Amir, he is my baby! my child! He is Amir Kabir Junaid Khan!" Aliya shouted.

"Yes Aman, I found it out, Amir is Kabir's baby, Evening not yours." Tabeezi revealed... Inayat, who was smiling at Aliya's defeat, stood silent at the revelation. She was unable to figure things out, when Roshni shook her. She fell the floor on her knees. Dadi and Roshni calmed her down.

Sara and Saima went in with Chhotu and Sonu. Inayat stood up and slapped Aliya!

"You spoiled my life! And then you were going to spoil my sister-in-law's life too you know what, you deserve only pain." Inayat screamed and released her pain.

Aliya grew angry and attacked her, but Roshni countered using her blades.

"How dare you attack Inayat Aapi? If you are so desperate to fight, do that with me!" Roshni challenged and they both got engaged in a combat. Aman came forward to help Roshni, but she denied.

"I can do it Khanbaba! Don't worry," she smiled and he went back to the family in order to safeguard them.

Parveen got a chance in between, so she went away taking Amir. She was in her Jinn form, So Aman and family couldn't Recognize her.

In the forest, she was about to sacrifice Amir, when Kabir came there.

"Stop Ammi! You can't do this to him!" Kabir's voice made Parveen Look back.

"Oh! My son is free now," She mocked at him. "Yes I escaped, I am YOUR SON Ammi! How can anybody stop me for long?" Kabir smirked and attacked Parveen.

On the other hand...

In Junaid Manzil, Aliya was busy fighting with Roshni, when she noticed Amir's absence

"Who dared to take my child away!" Aliya shouted and glared at Inayat.

"No, I didn't do that!" Inayat told her, "How Can I be so selfish to harm a child?"

"Tabeezi! Search for Amir and his whereabouts." Aman Requested Rubina Ji. "Yeah! I will do that," she said and opened. Ilm-e-jinn.

"Kabir is under the captivity of the Jinn," Tabeezi told them as she saw kaala Jinn, in the Ilm-e-Jinn.

Actually, she thought it is Kaala Jinn, but actually it was Parveen.

"We need to go there before he harms him." Roshni said and Rushed out. There Parveen was ready to sacrifice the baby. Kabir was hanging in the air, unable to do anything.

Aman, Roshni and Aliya reached the cave where Parveen and Kabir were already present. They saw Amir hanging in the air.

Parveen was ready stab him, but Roshni and Aman used their powers. Aman freeze Parveen and Roshni was trying to free Amir.

But, that moment, black smoke filled the cave, kaala Jinn appeared and Parveen changed to her human self.

The Smoke cleared and Aman saw Kaala Jinn turned, holding Parveen. "Leave my Ammi! or else you will regret!" Aman warned him.

So, you might think, why Aman's mom was held captive by the djinn. It was because, the Djinn was unhappy as Parveen couldn't Sacrifice Amir.

Roshni had used the time when smoke had filled the cave she had safely freed Amir.. "Aapi! Hold him!" Roshni said as she gave Amir to Inayat.

Tabeezi and Inayat had also reached there through pital darwaaza. Kaala Jinn had hung Parveen in a web and now he was battling with Aman, Roshni and Aliya. Aliya was now on RoshAn's side as they had saved her son.

"Aliya, free Kabir from there." Roshni whispered finding a chance and Aliya used her magic.

Roshni went to save Parveen, and Aman was facing the Djinn. When Kaala Jinn realised they have tricked him, he grew angry and attacked Parveen, who was trying to reach the family.

"Be careful!" Aliya warned Roshni but it was too late.

Still Roshni tried to save Parveen, and came in front of the magic wave which was generated by kaala Jinn. She fell on the floor, unconscious.

Parveen was shocked to see what Roshni did. This wave is deadly and it can harm Ayana to death, still she did it! Just to save her.

This made Parveen realise her mistake, but what was the use now? She was left just with tears. Seeing Roshni in that condition, Aman lost his calm.

Will Roshni have to die in order to brighten Aman's life? Do you have any idea? If yes, tell me! And if not, come back to know.


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