This one is for you iamlegallyniallswife


"Come on, Niall. Don't you want to meet someone? We worry about you. We don't want you to be alone." Harry said softly.

He wished Harry could keep his pity thoughts away but they were there, like an open book for him to read. He knew that Harry meant well so he tried to ignore it.
"Maybe I'm tired of always being judged? Do you know how hard it is to put yourself out there with my ability? First dates are horrible. You can't even begin to imagine how it feels to be sitting opposite someone who evaluates every move you make, everything you say, and make all your insecurities and flaws something that gets thrown in your face. People are not nice, at least not their thoughts." Niall sighed and looked defeated.

Harry and Louis shared a concerned look.
"No, I can't imagine what that's like." Louis agreed.

"Please stop pitying me." Niall sighed.

"Niall, we love you, you know that. Your ability is incredible in so many ways and you have really used it for the greater good, but we're sorry that it makes your personal life tough." Harry answered.

Niall shrugged his shoulders.
"That's the price I have to pay I guess."

Harry's and Louis' fifteen-year-old daughter Darcy came running into the living room. She smiled widely when she saw Niall and ran up to hug him.
"Hi, angel." Niall smiled fondly and hugged her back.

"Hi, uncle Niall. Why are you sad?" Darcy asked.

"I can't hide anything from you. I'm okay, Darce." Niall tried to comfort her.

They hadn't been that surprised when Louis' and Harry's daughter had developed a special ability of her own. Darcy was an empath and could feel other people's emotions. Being Harry's biological daughter, with the help of a surrogate, they had been curious to find out if the whole superpower gene would be passed down and they got the answer on her thirteenth's birthday. The same had happened to Damien, their thirteen-year-old (Louis' biological child). He had superhearing, which really took a toll on their sex life at first, before he learned how to control it, and before they realized that he couldn't hear through concrete unless he really wanted to, and no kid wanted to hear their parents have sex. They moved their bedroom to the basement and soundproofed it and the problem was solved. Hopefully. It had been a couple of rough months before Damien knew how to turn his super hearing off. There wasn't exactly anyone to ask for help. He got killer headaches and spent most of his time in his room crying. Niall had been a rock. He knew what it meant to have a power that wasn't always a blessing.

Their daughter Dahlia (Harry's biological child) was only ten so they had to wait a couple of years to find out if she would inherit the gene as well, worrying about what kind of special power she would get. Like parenting wasn't hard enough as it was. They had the same worries for their youngest Dante (Louis' biological child) who was only six.

Eighteen years had gone by since they all met in Uni. Harry and Louis had been together ever since and they got married two years after they graduated. They weren't the only ones with families.

Liam had a son, Wolf, who had just turned fourteen. He almost gave his parents a heart attack when he froze a whole lake by accident in the middle of the summer. Zayn was the one who helped him master his powers, knowing too well what a power like that could do.

Zayn had two children, Evan was twelve years old and Eden was thirteen. Just like the others, Eden had presented powers of her own when she hit her teens, invisibility, which she loved but it was a bit of a hassle to her parents.

They were excited to find out if the younger ones would have special abilities too. Niall was the only one who was single, and that broke their hearts, because they knew how much he wanted a family of his own.

All their kids loved uncle Niall and he always babysat whenever they asked him, assuring them that he loved it. When their kids became teenagers he was a lifeline. He was the one who knew what was going on with them, mind reading and all that and even if he never revealed their thoughts to their parents he could reassure his friends that their kids were okay.

They had retired their superhero costumes. They weren't getting any younger and with children, the fear of leaving them increased. They were loved by the citizens of London and they had been able to keep their identities a secret during all these years where they had done some amazing things to keep people safe.

Harry used his ability to keep their children safe as well. They never scrubbed their knees or hit their heads or anything like that with a dad who just stopped time. Louis pointed out that it was a part of childhood to fall off your bike or fall down from a tree but Harry wouldn't hear of it, and Louis let him be a mama hen.

Neither of them considered the consequences. Harry just wanted to keep them safe and unharmed. Their kids on the other hand were convinced that they were invincible. The older ones were let in on the secret when they hit their teens and got special abilities of their own. Harry and Louis sat down and revealed their own abilities, and explained why they had to keep it a secret. Darcy had known two years before Damien and she wouldn't hesitate to rub it in his face.

Zayn and Liam had told their teens as well. Little did they know that their teens had formed a secret club. They were gonna be superheroes, just like their dads!

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