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"How about this one?" Eden asked and held out a Batman costume.

"That's Batman." Damien pointed out.

"So?" Eden questioned.

"It's B... never mind. Why are we in a costume store?" Damien asked.

"Because we need costumes." Darcy said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, but like, our own, not Superman or Batman." Damien argued.

"Well, I can't sow. Can you?" Darcy hissed.

"Niall can." Wolf said.

"What?" Darcy questioned.

"Yeah, dad told me that Niall made their costumes, or whatever." Wolf smirked.

"He can really do everything. It doesn't matter. We can't ask him to make us some. Then he'll really know what we're doing. So, Wolf, Superman, or Batman?" Darcy asked and held two costumes in front of her.

"I said no spandex Darce!" Wolf protested.

"You just have to suck it up!" Darcy smirked.

"Ugh, fine! Batman! He's way cooler!" Wolf grunted and took the Batman costume.

"Great, that means you'll have the Superman costume, Damien. I'll be Catwoman. Eden?" Darcy said.

"Eeeeh, Wonder Woman?" Eden suggested.

"Excellent. Let's pay for them. Remember that you have to hide them well. Our parents can't find them!" Darcy said and headed for the register.

They hid their costumes in their backpacks and parted ways. Later that night Darcy started another chat conversation.

They met up behind the gym the next day

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They met up behind the gym the next day.
"So, what are we doing here? I don't even know how we're gonna use our skills to help people." Eden questioned.

"You're invisible Eden. Imagine all the things you can do with that special gift." Darcy said, sounding a little jealous.

"Like rob a bank." Wolf smirked.

"I would never!" Eden huffed.

"Do you think you could turn someone else invisible? Papa can stop time but bring dad with him. Like, time stops but the two of them don't." Darcy tried to explain.

"His ability is so fucking cool. The best one." Wolf said.

"I think dad's cooler. He can fly!" Damien said.

"But your dad is pretty much indestructible." Eden said to Wolf.

"Well, your dad controls fire." Wolf answered.

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