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Darcy tried to enhance her power by making people feel other emotions than they currently did. She practiced in school, because where else would she do it? It took her two weeks to unlock the key to it and then one day, she could feel her nervous classmate become calm right before a test, because she silently told her to. She pictured her own aura and extended it to the girl next to her. It worked! After giving it a couple of more tries she was certain that she was the one changing their moods, altering between different feelings. When one of the boys in her class suddenly got up and threw his chair into the wall in a rage outburst she jumped in her chair. Okay, that was definitely working and that was scary. She made sure to calm him down. He looked confused and was sent to the principal's office. She felt bad about it but now she at least knew.

She shared her progress at their next meeting up in the woods. They had all improved their abilities in the last two weeks. Eden could make two of them invisible with her and they just had to hold her hand. Damien distinguished one specific sound among all the others. Evan could move bigger objects with his mind, and Wolf could build ice from thin air, not just turn things into ice. Darcy looked around at her friends.
"Okay, we're ready to take this to the next level."

"Cool." Wolf grinned.

Eden looked nervous.
"Are you sure? Nothing too big, right? It can't be dangerous. Dad would kill me if I put Evan in danger."

"He won't know and we'll all protect each other, right?" Darcy said and looked around. They all nodded their heads.

"And we start small. Suit up!" Darcy smiled.

"Now?" Damien questioned.

"Why wait?" Darcy asked.

They took out their costumes and went behind trees to change. They all burst out laughing when they returned in their costumes.
"I feel ridiculous." Wolf grunted in his Batman suit.

"You look ridiculous." Evan grinned.

"Oh, says Mr. Spiderman." Wolf snorted.

"Knock it off, guys. Damien, can you hear someone in need of rescue?" Darcy asked.

Damien closed his eyes and concentrated on the sounds around them, changing the parameters further and further away.
"I think there's a cat stuck in a tree or something further down the street from our house. It won't stop screaming."

"A cat?" Evan snorted.

"Cats are cute and it's the perfect first mission. Come on, we go through the woods so no one sees us. Low profile people." Darcy said and took the lead.

Ten minutes later they were standing on the top of a sheer cliff.
"Damn it! We have to go around." Darcy huffed.

"Or we just slide right down. Move." Wolf smirked.

He raised his hands and made an ice slide. He winked at Darcy before he got on and went down at the speed of lightning. He fell on the grass but got up.
"Come on! I'll catch you."

Darcy and Eden hesitated so Damien threw himself on and made it down. Darcy didn't want to seem scared so she did the same, letting out a small scream. Wolf caught her. Soon they had all made it down before the slide started to melt.
"That was crazy fun!" Evan grinned.

They found the cat in the tree.
"Poor thing. He's really scared." Darcy said compassionately.

"You can feel the emotions of animals too?" Eden wondered.

"Yeah, why do you think I'm vegan?" Darcy replied. Louis hadn't been pleased but Harry had had just shrugged his shoulders and read up on vegan food.

"So how will we help that cat get down? Who will climb the tree?" Eden asked.

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