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They had convinced their parents that they could take the bus to karate and lied about where they were before that so they could take an earlier bus. All of their parents had wanted to come with them at first the but they all made a scene about not wanting to be treated like little kids and they finally agreed to let them go by themselves considering they were five and could keep track of each other. They were all naive, but their kids had never been in trouble so they trusted them.

They arrived in time for their first karate lesson and when it was done they headed to an alley and changed into their costumes. Eden had managed to figure out how to make them all invisible so they linked hands and walked out on the street without anyone seeing them. It was perfect.

Two hours later they had saved a girl from getting raped. They were all shaken up from the event that had been really scary to witness but they came there in time. They couldn't be more proud of themselves.

They chatted later that night.

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Their setup worked for a month before they got caught

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Their setup worked for a month before they got caught. Once a week they went to an early karate class and hit the street for two hours. A lot of Saturdays they got away with 'going to the movies'. They stopped a lot of muggers and car thieves and saved a lot of cats as well. It was Zayn's turn to pick them up after karate and he went early to watch them practice just to find the studio locked. He was just about to call his friends when their kids came walking out of an alley a couple of feet away. They stopped when they saw him, eyes bulging out of their sockets.
"Dad! Why are you here so early?"

"I think the question is, why the hell aren't you on your karate lesson?" Zayn asked firmly.

"Ehm, eh...it was closed today. Yeah, no practice today." Evan mumbled.

"And where the hell have you been? What's in the backpacks?" Zayn asked upset.

"Just around..." Evan tried to lie poorly.

"Show me what's in your backpack. Eden!" Zayn demanded.

Eden sighed but she opened her backpack and Zayn looked inside. He took out her Wonder Woman costume.
"Okay, get in the car. Now."

He called his friends on the way back and when they arrived at Harry's and Louis' house everyone was gathered, including Niall. Zayn put their backpacks on the coffee table and took out their superhero costumes.
"Explain yourselves."

No one knew what to say. Their heads were too chaotic, trying to come up with a lie instead of thinking of cinnamon rolls which meant that Niall easily could read their thoughts. He gasped.
"Oh no, kids! Please tell me you didn't!"

"Did what?" Liam questioned.

Niall looked sad.
"They've been lying to you. Their karate class starts at six. They've dressed up in these costumes and been walking around town fighting crimes. I'm sorry kids that I'm ratting you out but this is serious."

"They did what?" Louis yelled angrily and stood up. Harry grabbed his arm to get him to sit down again.

"So? You're not doing it and we help people!" Darcy argued upset.

"Oh, sweetie. You are way too young to do things like that. It's dangerous. You could get hurt." Harry said worriedly.

"We have superpowers." Wolf snorted.

"So do we and I managed to die, twice!" Louis replied.

Their kids stared at him with their mouths hanging open.
"You died, dad?" Damien asked with a trembling voice.

"But you can fly!" Darcy pointed out.

"How can you be alive?" Wolf questioned.

"Because I have Harry. Neither of us comes even close to possess the powers he has. Remember that!" Louis growled.

"Then he can just bring us back too. No big deal." Darcy shrugged.

"It doesn't... damn it, Darcy! I gonna explain it to you later. The consequences with my gift. Now shut up and listen to us!" Harry growled. He never lost his temper.

Darcy's lower lips started to tremble but she kept quiet. Niall spoke up.
"I understand why you did this. You wanted to help people with your gifts. But you're way too young."

"That's the fucking understatement of the year." Louis snorted.

"Lou." Harry said lowly, trying to calm him down even if he was upset himself. Terrified.

"But we're good at it!" Evan protested.

"You're kids! You're too young for this responsibility. Too young to be out on the streets of London at night doing God knows what. Too young... oh God." Liam said with a trembling voice. He rested his head in his hands.

"You could have gotten killed! Beaten! Hurt!" Zayn said upset.

"No one can see us thanks to Eden." Evan said and Eden kicked his leg to quiet him.

The grown-ups stared at Eden.
"You can do that?"

"Yes." She admitted with blushed cheeks.

"It doesn't matter. You clearly don't understand the danger of what you've been doing. Darcy, Damien you're grounded indefinitely." Louis said with a sigh.

"Papa! He can't do that!" Darcy gasped.

"He sure can and I'm 100 percent behind him on that." Harry answered.

"The same goes for you, Wolf. School and then home, and we're gonna talk about this daily until you get it." Liam said.

"You too Eden and Evan. No joke." Zayn said.

"Not fair!" Darcy wailed and stomped to her bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

Liam took Wolf home and Zayn left with Eden and Evan. Damien went to his room as well. Louis leaned back on the couch and rubbed his face.
"Holy shit. You tried to warn us Ni, but I never thought they would do something that stupid."

"How can we have been so blind? How could we trust that they were telling us the truth about karate classes? How can I've been that naive?" Harry rambled.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up like that. They're great kids. They're just reckless." Niall tried to comfort.

"They could have died? Who knows what they've been up to? What kind of crimes they have been fighting, in these!" Harry said and held up the superhero costumes.

Louis' mouth started to twitch and he burst out laughing. Harry stared at him in disbelief.
"It's not funny!"

"No, of course not, love. But...come on! People met five teens dressed as Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman." Louis giggled.

Harry smirked.
"Better than our costumes."

"Hey! I resent that!" Niall huffed.

They looked at each other and burst out laughing all three of them. Louis wiped his eyes when they had managed to calm down.
"Oh man, what are we gonna do about this? It's such a mess!"

"We'll figure it out." Harry said comfortingly.

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