Five years later (Epilogue)

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"Which room was it?" Louis asked.

"715." Harry replied.

"702, 705, 709, 712, 715! Here!" Louis said and stopped outside a room.

Liam knocked on the door and poked his head inside.
"Can we come in?"

"Of course. Come and meet my son, Arthur." Niall grinned, holding a baby in his arms.

Avolon and Abigail pushed past them and ran into the room.
"Mum! Dad!"

"Hi, sweeties. Did you have a nice time at uncle Liam's?" Claire asked.

"Yeah." Abigail giggled.

Niall got down on his knees.
"Come and meet your brother, girls."

They screamed excitedly and ran over. Avolon was almost four and Abigail was 2,5. They looked at their new brother with big eyes. In the meantime, the gang had all embraced Claire and congratulated her.
"Damn! Three kids in five years. Good job." Louis grinned.

Niall looked up with a proud smile. He handed the baby over to Harry who looked like he was about to burst any second if he wouldn't get to hold him. He immediately took the baby and cooed. Liam and Zayn took a good look at the new member as well.
"Don't get any ideas, Hazza. Ours has
finally grown up." Louis joked.

Harry sighed. Darcy was 20 now and was getting a law degree. Damien was 18 and just finished school. Dahlia was fifteen, and like the others, she had presented a special ability of her own when she hit her teens. She could walk through walls. Something she used to scare the living hell out of them when she just popped out of nowhere. Dante was only 11 so far so they had to wait two more years to find out if he would have a special ability too.

Zayn's children were grown up as well. Eden was 18 and dating Wolf, turning 19 later that year. Evan was about to turn 18.

Zayn looked at Niall's three children.
"Mate, you're gonna have your hands full. I wonder what kind of abilities they will get?"

"Whatever happens, we'll handle it." Niall answered. He was happy, so, so happy. He finally had a family of his own.

In the meantime, Darcy decided that it was time to bring life to their little club.

In the meantime, Darcy decided that it was time to bring life to their little club

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The End

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