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Their parents hadn't been joking. They were all grounded and they had to endure endless discussions with all five of them. They seemed to take turns showing up at each other's places and they had to talk with everyone's dad and Niall. A month went by and they were still grounded. At least they got to see each other at school and they had their chat.

It was Wednesday on their first week of their second month being grounded. They were sitting behind the gym on their lunch break discussing how unfair their lives were when Eden gasped and looked up from her phone. She had been reading the news as usual.
"Guys! There's a cruise ship that ran aground just outside the dock a couple of minutes ago. People are trapped inside and rescue teams have trouble getting them out. There are over 300 people still trapped."

Evan got up.
"Come on!"

"No Evan, we can't!" Eden protested.

"Eden! I can help them. I don't know how they're trapped but maybe the rescue teams can't reach it? I can move things with my mind. I need you. You can keep me invisible! Please?" Evan pleaded.

Eden still hesitated. Wolf stepped in.
"He's right. More than 300 people can die and we might be able to save them. We have to try!"

Eden looked at Darcy and Damien.
"I can calm them and Damien can hear if someone is trapped somewhere else. We need to do this. Eden, get invisible and run to the craft room. Get some fabric and scissors. We can make eye masks and we all wear hoodies. We just pull the hood over our heads so no one will recognize us. We'll call a cab in the meantime. Come on, how much money do you have on you?"

Eden disappeared before their eyes and Darcy called a cab while Wolf, Evan, and Damien searched their pockets. Ten minutes later they were seated in a taxi on their way to the docks.
"Our dads will be furious. We'll be grounded for life." Wolf muttered.

In the meantime their fathers were at work, going on with their day as usual. Niall was having lunch when he caught the news. He immediately took his phone out and texted his friends when he realized the seriousness of the situation.
"Suit up! See Channel 23. Dock in twenty."

Just because they had retired didn't mean that they wouldn't step in when they really needed to. Suit up was their code word. They dropped everything, told their bosses that they had acute diarrhea, and put on their spare suits they hid at work. Twenty minutes later they had arrived at the docks. Niall listened in on the thoughts of the rescue team.
"Okay, there are about three hundred people trapped in the east end of the ship. Louis fly over and see if you can find a way inside, even if Liam has to make a new door or something."

Harry's phone rang and he checked the caller id and wrinkled his eyebrows.
"It's the principle."

He answered the call and finished it fast.
"Our kids left the school ground in a taxi half an hour ago."

Zayn immediately looked at the water.
"Look! An ice road. Damn it! They're here!"

"Ok, I'm gonna kill them!" Louis shouted.

"We'll get them out safely. Fly Louis! We can use Wolf's ice road. Impressive I must say." Niall said.

"Be careful. Don't die on me." Harry said worriedly to his husband.

"Yeah, last time he brought you back and changed the past Trump became president. We don't want something like that to happen again." Zayn smirked.

"Don't remind me." Harry grunted.

Thirty minutes earlier

They paid the cab driver and hid behind some barrels to take in the situation. It was chaos.
"How will we get out there? Swim?" Eden asked.

"Don't be silly. I'll make a road." Wolf smirked.

They had put their hoods over their heads to hide their hair and tied fabric strips with holes for their eyes around their heads. Eden made them all invisible and they headed to the left, away from the crowd. Wolf raised his hands and started to build an ice road in the water, wide enough so they all could walk beside each other. It drained him but he kept going.
"This will be slippery." Damien muttered when they stepped on it, still invisible thanks to Eden.

They made their way over to the ship. It was on its side, taking in water. Damien listened in.
"They're on the lower deck. Let's get inside."

They snuck past the rescue team and made their way into the ship.
"When a ship sinks you're supposed to get out, not walk into the danger." Eden muttered.

They reached the area where the people were trapped and evaluated the situation. Parts of the ship were blocking the door and the ship was taking in water. Rescue workers were trying to remove the junk blocking the way but there were so many big pieces in the way, too heavy to lift.

Darcy tuned in to the people stuck on the other side of the door. She furrowed her eyebrows.
"That's weird. They're all calm."

"That's good." Damien commented.

"Yeah, but shouldn't they be panicking?" Darcy questioned, sounding confused.

"Yeah, anyhow, let's get to work. Wolf? Can you plug the hole?" Eden asked.

"Yeah, I can try." Wolf said.

"Evan, move the junk from the door." Eden said. She let go of them and they all became visible.

"Hey! What are you doing here? How did you get here? Get out of the way!" One of the rescue workers shouted.

Darcy immediately stepped in and made them feel happy about their appearance. Wolf started to plug the holes with ice and Evan removed the junk blocking the door, piece by piece. Soon enough sweat was streaming down his face from the effort. The rescue team just stared at them in shock.
"How do you do that kid?"

"Just let him work!" Eden answered.

Twenty minutes later he had managed to get the door free and fell to the ground from exhaustion. Then two things happened at once. The door opened and the ship shifted and they were all thrown around. Some of the junk blocked the entrance out. Wolf got hit by a beam and fell to the ground. Darcy hit her head and Eden was pinned to the wall by some scrap mill.
"Damien! Help us!" Darcy shouted.

Damien got up and tried to remove the items blocking their way out but he was drained of energy. He couldn't make anything move.
"I can't!"

"We're trapped inside!" Eden stated.

Their parents would be so mad.

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