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Niall was on a first date with Claire, the woman from the ship. He was nervous but she was nice. Like really nice. So were her thoughts. She could sense that he was nervous and did everything to make him relax. She was funny and easy to talk to. A natural read head with green eyes and freckles. Beautiful. He couldn't believe it. She had no bad thoughts directed against him. She thought he was cute and funny and nice. She liked his hair and his eyes and his smile. He almost blushed. He also asked her out again.

The second date went well too. She never thought about his dick size or how much money he had. Instead, she was very concerned about his emotions, making sure that he was comfortable and happy. Wait a minute? He knew someone else who always did that. He gave her a pensive stare but immediately pushed those thoughts to the side. That wasn't possible.

After their second date she wished for him to kiss her, at least in her mind, so he did. It was a great first kiss and she liked it too. He felt happy and she smiled at him. They decided on a third date later that week.

He went over to Harry and Louis after he had dropped her off and kissed her good night. He couldn't stop smiling. Harry's eyes widened in surprise when he opened the door.
"Good date?"

"The best!" Niall grinned.

"We want to hear all about it!" Harry said excitedly and showed him inside.

"She's nice, like really nice, inside and out. She doesn't think the way others do. She's really considerate." Niall informed them.

"That's great!" Louis said, equally excited as his husband.

Darcy came strolling into the living room and stopped in her tracks.
"Uncle Niall! You're happy!"

"I am, kiddo!" Niall grinned.

She let out a happy squeal and came over to hug him. He didn't want to get his hopes up but this could be the one for him.

He went on a couple of more dates with Claire. They had sex. It was amazing. It was like they connected on a whole new level. He could read her like an open book. She really liked him. For real. His heart swelled and that made her look emotional for a second and she smiled at him.

She was a dentist. One year younger than him. A vegan, which made it tricky to chose restaurants but he didn't care even if he would never understand how someone could give up chicken voluntarily.

He fell in love, he fell quickly and hard, but she was right there with him, at least in her mind, but she was thinking strange things like she could feel how he felt for her and that made her so happy. Something wasn't adding up. He decided to risk it all by telling her his secret, because he had a feeling that she had a secret of her own. They were watching a movie at his place, snuggled up on the couch. He paused the movie and sat up. He was nervous and she looked a little confused.
"Claire? I need to tell you something. Or two things really, but the second thing might freak you out or scare you away."

"Are you married?" Claire asked.

"What? No! Of course not. Ehm, just keep an open mind. Okay?" Niall said.

"Okay." Claire agreed.

"First of all, I'm in love with you. I'm sorry to just blurt it out like that." He chuckled nervously.

"I'm in love with you too." She smiled.

His heart beat extra fast.
"I'm glad to hear you say that out loud. Ehm, for the next part, this might surprise you, or not at all... anyhow, ehm, I'm just gonna give it to you straight, okay?"

"You're making me nervous. What is it?" Claire asked.

"I have a special ability. I can hear people's thoughts." Niall said. Too forward?

She wrinkled her eyebrows a little.
"You can hear what I'm thinking?"


"What am I thinking now?" She wondered, testing him.

He listened in. She was blank.
"Are you seeing thoughts in pictures? That doesn't work. You have to think words."

She looked at him. She seemed curious, not scared. That was always something. A stream of thoughts came from her head. He repeated them loudly.
"Apple, train, mailbox, Apple, Apple, red, hotdog."

She gasped. A hand flew up to cover her mouth. Her eyes were wide open.
"You heard everything I ever thought? Oh God, did I think anything bad? I can't remember."

"That's your biggest concern right now? No Claire, your thoughts are beautiful. That was what made me fall in love with you." He answered softly.

She looked emotional.
"Is this something you think you could live with? I know it's invasive as hell. I can't turn it off. I'm sorry." He said apologetically.

"I...think it will take some time getting used to it but I'm willing to try because you are such a wonderful person. Full of joy and love and empathy. I have a secret too, Niall. I also have a special gift. I can feel other people's emotions." She admitted.

"I knew it!" Niall yelled and pumped a fist in the air.

They started laughing. When they had calmed down she looked at him in awe.
"This is amazing! I never met anyone before with a special ability." She said.

"I know several." Niall winked.

"Oh, wait! You were on that ship! With the one who can fly, and that strong one."

"Yep. I'm the cute one." Niall winked.

"That was you?" Claire said and blushed.

"Why do you think I looked for you online?" Niall said and wiggled his eyebrows.

She giggled and kissed him. When they needed to come up for air Niall gave her a peck on the cheek.
"I can't wait to introduce you to some special friends of mine."

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