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Louis had almost reached the ship when it tipped over to the other side. He could hear people scream inside. Then he noticed the ice covering a big hole in the part of the ship that came up to the surface. He reacted instantly and turned around. The rest of the guys were halfway over the ice road that Wolf had created. He grabbed Zayn who yelped in surprise.
"Sorry mate, you need to be faster. Hold on!"

He flew them over and pointed at the ice. Zayn immediately understood and raised his palms, concentrating his fire to melt the ice. When he had managed to remove it the rest of the guys had reached the ship. The hole was big enough for them to fit and Louis helped them up so they could get inside. It was dark, chaotic but strangely calm inside the ship. Zayn created a fireball so they would be able to see.

They looked around. There were so many people inside. Liam went over to the parts of the ship that was blocking the entrance and started to remove them with muscle strength.

Harry, Louis, and Niall searched for the kids. They found Darcy first. Niall got to Evan who was being nursed by a woman. She looked up and met his eyes and a seems cute ran through her mind. Niall smirked. Worst time possible to be thinking things like that.
"I'm Claire Grey. This young man is okay."

"Just drained of energy. Sorry." Evan mumbled.

"Try and help L...the one over there." Niall said and pointed at Liam.

Evan nodded his head and got up. He had some time to collect himself and managed to remove some of the parts.

Harry found Eden. She was pinned to the deck by some scrap mill. He waved at Liam who came running over to lift it off before he returned to Damien. Louis has reached Wolf. He was holding his side, face scrunched in pain.
"I think I broke some ribs."

Damien reached them and Louis hugged him in relief.
"Are you injured?"


"Get out with the others. I'll take W...him." Louis said and nodded his head at Wolf.

He lifted him and got out of the hole, flying them to the dock. Paramedics stood ready and he handed him over before he flew back. He picked up Eden who was in bad shape as well and flew her out of the ship. By the time he returned to the ship for the third time Liam and Evan had successfully removed everything that was blocking the entrance and people were getting out. Liam was carrying Evan and Harry was helping Darcy walk. Niall took care of Damien. Louis flew in and picked up Darcy. Her head was bleeding. As he flew her over to the ambulance team she apologized over and over again.
"I'm just happy you're all alive. Let's get you to a hospital. We'll meet you all there."

He dropped her off and went back for the others. After a couple of turns back and forth he had collected all of them, including his mates. The people on the ship were getting out, so they hurried to the hospital to check on their children, making sure to get out of their costumes first. Zayn and Liam called their wives.

The kids were alright. Darcy had a concussion, Wolf had three broken ribs and Eden had a broken leg but they were all alive. They were released from the hospital the next day and they all gathered at Harry's and Louis'.
"We're sorry! We know we messed up but we couldn't just let all those people die!" Evan said with a trembling voice.

"You could have died!" Zayn argued upset.

"But we didn't!" Wolf argued.

"Please. Never again. Promise us that you will never do something like that again." Harry pleased upset.

"Listen, kids. When a catastrophe like that happens me and your dads always help out. That's our job, not yours. Not yet. Not when you're teens. The police handle other crimes. That's their job." Niall said.

"Yeah okay." Darcy agreed and the others nodded their heads.

"With that said, you were great. You, Wolf, plugged the ship from taking in water and you Evan, you freed them. Darcy? You calmed everyone and Damien and Eden you helped too. You worked as a team and we're proud of you all even if we're also angry because you scared us." Louis said.

"They were already calm when we arrived. It was kind of weird." Darcy answered thoughtfully.

"Huh? Anyway, you helped rescue a lot of people but don't dare to do anything like that again!" Liam said.

They all ate dinner together, glad that everything worked out. Later that night the kids chatted.

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Cool uncle Niall was going through his dating accounts looking for someone specific and be damned, he found her

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Cool uncle Niall was going through his dating accounts looking for someone specific and be damned, he found her. Claire Grey. Single. He grinned and sent her a message. She was cute. He liked her. They had talked a little while they helped people off the boat. She was nice but most importantly, her thoughts were. Maybe that was just because of the situation they were in, but he would like to find out. Problem was that he couldn't exactly ask her out while he was in his costume, without revealing his identity, hence the online stalking.

Their heroic rescue was all over the news and they were all buzzing over a new set of superheroes. Could they be their children? What would that mean for London? Who were these men and women? How could they do what they did?

Thankfully no one had found out. They had no interest in being lab rats, and they talked to their children about it, over and over again. They seemed to get it now.

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