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"Why do you all have backpacks? Are you trying to sneak in beer or something?" Liam asked, a little suspicious.

"Of course not dad. Look, popcorn. It's cheaper at the store." Wolf said and opened his backpack slightly so his dad could see the bag of popcorn he had been considerate enough to bring, hiding his Batman costume underneath.

"Alright. And the movie is 12 rated?" Liam questioned.

"Yes dad, all good." Wolf replied.

"Okay. Have fun guys. Louis will pick you up."

They got out and headed inside the movie theater. Darcy glanced through the doors, keeping out of eyesight, and watched Liam drive away.
"Okay, the coast is clear. Come on!"

They headed to the first alley they could find and put their costumes on.
"Damien. Do your thing!" Darcy said.

Damien listened to the sounds nearby. At first, it was just the normal ones, traffic, people talking, electric poles buzzing, and so on. Then he heard a woman scream.
"Woman in need of rescue!"

"We all heard it, dufus, it's just around the corner. Come on!" Darcy said and they ran out of the alley.

A man came running towards them while a woman screamed that he took her handbag. Eden got invisible and put her leg out, tripping him. He fell to the ground. Darcy reacted immediately and convinced the man that he was really sleepy. He started to snore soon. Damien called the police and Wolf returned the handbag to the woman who was in shock.
"What? Why? Thank you?"

"You're welcome, mam." Wolf answered.

They heard police sirens in the distance.
"Mam, tell the cops about the man over there. We have to go!" Wolf stressed and they all ran in the opposite direction, hiding in another alley.

"That was crazy! We really did it!" Evan said excitedly.

"Right?" Wolf said and gave Evan a high five.

Eden was staring at Darcy.
"How did you make him fall asleep?"

"I convinced him he was tired." Darcy grinned but Eden didn't look amused. She looked scared.

"That's not really an emotion."

Darcy was taken back by that.
"True. Huh. Well, it worked, didn't it?"

"Be careful with your powers Darcy. Mixing with people's emotions is an invasion. Yes, it came in handy now but be careful, alright?" Eden said.

"Of course." Darcy answered. She didn't really see the harm in it. She could make people feel happy instead of sad or angry. That was a good thing. Right?

They continued their quest and when their two hours were up they had stopped a car thief and stopped a second mugging. They felt very excited when they changed out of their costumes and snuck into the movie theater again just to walk out five minutes later to a waiting Louis.
"Hi, guys. How was the movie?"

"Great!" Damien beamed, high on adrenaline.

Louis drove them home. He dropped off Eden and Evan first and then Wolf. They all lived close together in the same area, just a couple of streets from each other. Even Niall bought a house in the same neighborhood when they all settled down, not wanting to be left out. It was an awfully big house for one person but he liked to live close to his friends.

When they got home they went online.

When they got home they went online

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They talked to their parents about it and they agreed

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They talked to their parents about it and they agreed. It should have been a warning sign but neither Harry, Louis, Liam, or Zayn could ever believe that their kids could be so reckless. They were still so young. Niall on the other hand reacted immediately. He was hanging out with Liam one afternoon a couple of days later and Liam brought it up.
"The kids want to take karate classes. I just remember when you forced us all to do the same." He chuckled.

"It was necessary. Why do they want to do that?" Niall asked.

Liam shrugged his shoulders.
"Because it's fun. I think it's great. I want them to be able to defend themselves. You never know what will happen to them."

"Right. Yeah." Niall replied. He didn't want to alarm his friends when he had no proof that the kids were doing something they shouldn't. Maybe they just wanted to have fun. Maybe they were learning karate for the future. Them taking karate classes didn't mean that they were doing something they shouldn't in their age but it was damn suspicious. He was going to keep an extra eye on them.

But first, he had yet another date. He wished that he could feel a little excited about it at least but he was pretty sure that it would be bad. He didn't even know why he was still trying? What was that quote from Einstein? Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

He had agreed to dinner with one of his coworkers' friends, Fanny. He headed home to get ready and picked her up. The first thing she thought was ugly car and he knew where this night was going. At the end of the date he was exhausted. Apparently he was chomping when he ate. He had no table manners, was kind of boring, and way too short. He drove her home without kissing her good night.

He had lost count of how many first dates he had in the last two years. Either something was really wrong with him or he had been unfortunate enough to date the wrong women. He was leaning against the first option. He seemed to be the common denominator. It was hopeless!

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