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"Our kids spend a lot of time together." Liam said while they had another barbecue at the Tomlinson's residence. This time Liam and Zayn had brought their wives as well.

"I'm glad they get along, and that they can help each other with the whole special ability things. I must admit that it's freaking me out a bit." Zayn's wife Gigi said. Zayn squeezed her thigh comforting.

"Are they still thinking about cinnamon rolls?" Louis asked Niall.

"Yep, Evan too." Niall sighed.

"Really? So whatever they're cooking Evan is in on it now?" Liam questioned.

"Yep." Niall replied.

"What the hell are those kids up to?" Louis grunted.

"Maybe they just have a club together, like a special abilities club?" Harry suggested.

"Guys, you don't think they would try to do what we did?" Zayn questioned.

They all looked horrified for a second but then Liam laughed.
"They're just kids. Of course not."

They all laughed it off, except for Niall who looked between the teens with wrinkled eyebrows. They wouldn't, would they? He decided to keep extra watch. Someone would slip eventually and think about what they were doing. Controlling your thoughts was hard. He was actually really impressed with the five of them, ranting about cinnamon rolls as soon as he was around. Their parents never had that willpower. Especially not Harry and Louis. The things going on in their heads were freaky sometimes, but he was happy that they still were as in love as they were in the beginning, only deeper and more beautiful.
"I have to go. I have a date." Niall sighed.

"Oh? Wonderful. Good luck! This is the one. I have a good feeling." Harry smiled.

An hour later he had established that she wasn't the one. Not even close. She might possibly be a serial killer though. Her thoughts were dark and scary...and murderous. He ended the date quickly.

He felt sad. He rarely made it to a second date with anyone. Maybe he shouldn't judge people do hard based on their thoughts but he lost interest if they thought unflattering things about him, or about others constantly. Or if they just wanted someone to impregnate them (oh yes, he had dated a couple of those too) or were just interested in money. He wanted true love. He wanted what Harry and Louis had. They never thought bad about each other. Sure, they argued and stuff but the love they felt for each other was always present in their minds no matter how angry they were. They couldn't stay mad at each other for long anyway. Whenever they sent the other one to sleep on the couch they ended up sleeping there as well, not been able to sleep at all without each other. He wanted that co-dependence with someone. He went over to the Tomlinson household to experience some of that love.

Louis and Harry were busy putting together a new bed that they had purchased for their youngest one. They were total opposites when it came to furniture building and they should have learned by now. Louis was the spontaneous type that just ripped the boxes open and tried to fit the pieces together with logic. How hard could it be? Harry was the organized type. He wanted to put all the pieces side by side while he read the instructions carefully. He never got the time. Louis was already trying to screw two boards together.
"Take it easy! Let's read this first!" Harry said, sounding a little irritated.

"What? These two clearly go together!" Louis argued and continued to attach the boards.

That was when Niall arrived.
"Hi, guys, what are you... Oh no! Step away from the furniture! You know how this will end."

Harry and Louis both turned around to look at him.

"Let me jog your memory. Couch building of 2015? Swings building of 2016? Oh, the entertainment area building 2017 almost made you divorce each other." Niall chuckled.

"We would never!" Harry gasped, sounding offended.

Louis pecked his lips quickly.
"He knows that, baby. He's just teasing us. Are you gonna help us?"

"Nope. I'm gonna grab a beer and sit in the chair right there and watch the disaster unfold. Better than the movies." Niall grinned and disappeared into the kitchen. He returned shortly thereafter with a beer in his hand and took a seat. 

Their first argument happened ten minutes later, just as he had predicted.
"Wait, no, we should have put these here before we put these pieces together, for the headboard." Harry said.

"Oh. Fuck. Are you sure?" Louis asked and scratched his chin.

"Of course I'm sure! If you had read the instructions, you would have known that too." Harry sighed.

Louis flipped through the instructions for the bed.
"It doesn't show here."

"No, but here, the instructions for the bed frame." Harry said and shook some papers in his hand.

"What? There's another set of instructions? It's the same fucking bed! That's stupid!" Louis argued.

"Just remove those screws." Harry sighed.

Louis muttered swearwords while he got down on his knees to remove the screws. He managed to undo one but the other one sat too tight.
"Do you need help?" Harry asked.

"Nope." Louis said, popping the P and tried harder. He slipped and managed to hurt himself, taking half his nail with him in the process. He wailed in pain.

"Shit! Are you okay?" Harry asked worriedly.

"No, I'm not okay! Look! Stupid bed! Damn it!" Louis shouted and showed Harry his middle finger.

Niall had already fetched the first aid kit and handed it over. Harry cleaned Louis' nail and put a plaster on.
"There, will you let me try now?"

"So you think you're stronger than me?" Louis huffed.

"What? I didn't say that!" Harry replied while he tried to remove the screw without succeeding.
"It's stuck! Why did you tighten it so hard in the first place?"

"Excuse me for not wanting the bed to break when our daughter lays down for the night." Louis muttered and held out his hands in defense.

"Well, that's great and all, if you would have read the damn instructions first!" Harry growled.

"How should I know that that damn piece...you know what? I'll fix it. Look here. I put it on top and put an extra screw here to hold it in place. See? Done!" Louis said.

Harry shrugged his shoulders and they lifted the bed frame to put it in place.
"It doesn't fit! Look, this hole is too far down now because of your fix!" Harry huffed.

"Holy fucking hell. Wait here." Louis shouted and ran to the garage to get an electric saw. He came back and made a new hole.
"There!" Now it will fucking fit!"

Harry started to giggle. They put the bed frame in place and made sure it was bolted to the bed. Niall clapped his hands and whistled when the bed was finished.
"No way near the couch disaster of 2015! Good job guys!"

"We hate you!" Louis huffed but he smiled at his best friend.

"Ouch! Right in the feels Tomlinson!" Niall grinned.

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