To be able to understand this book, you must read The Love He's Always Wanted first. Vince has a serious obsession with Bianca's best friend. The more he hangs out with Destiny, his feelings for her come to a head. Plus, he learns Destiny is keeping...
While looking at my little peanut on the screen, my heart melted I will die to protect my child. I will make sure my child doesn't have the childhood I did. My father is forever dead to me he will never know this child or any other children Angel and I may have together. As for not letting our doctor tell Vince about the gender of the baby. I have a gift in mind for him when we find out. I glanced over at Angel and my heart melted he stood beside me holding my hand with his eyes glued to the very screen holding our unborn child. The minute our child moved on the screen, his eyes grow large and his fingers tightened over mine.
We soon interrupted our temporary peace of heaven when Vince's phone rang. He glanced down at it, and his eyes grew the size of a beach ball. Why is he acting so dang nervous over a phone call? Must be a girl he doesn't want us to know about yet. He turned his back and spoke quietly "I told you not to call me yet. I'm with my family at the doctor's. No, we don't know what they're having yet. Bianca won't let the doctor tell me, she is being mean about the whole thing if you ask me."
I cast a quick glance over at Angel and shook my head, "Hey you big crybaby how is it being mean when I want to surprise everybody all at once with the gender of the baby. Besides, it's our child, not yours. Did you have a hand in creating our little one? No, you didn't if I recall it was only me and your brother in the room when he stuck his junk in me."
This man never ceases to amaze me, I know the perfect gift I'm going to get him during our gender reveal surprise party. "Angel a little later I'm going to need you to take me to the store but keep your nosy brother outside in the car with you."
We left the doctor's office and my brother drove to the mall so Biance could run in a get what she needed. The nerve of her telling my brother to keep me outside because I'm nosy. Hell Bianca is more of a snoop than I am. I don't know how many times I've caught her sneaking around Angel's office or bedroom over the years as she tried to catch him messing with some other woman. When we got to the mall Bianca glanced over at my brother giving him a heartwarming smile grabbed his wallet opened the car door got out and headed into the store. I wonder what it is she needs from this store anyway, knowing her she could decide to buy some poor sap a blow-up doll.
Now that I'm in the store wandering around without the men around I pulled the envelope my doctor had given me before we left her office out of my back pocket. My eyes zeroed in on the pictures and I couldn't believe it. There curled up together in the picture were twin boys. Well, Angel should be real happy with two boys in one go. I raised my head and searched for the store I needed, bingo right across from me was the pet store. Going to the right aisle I grabbed two dog colors one black and one blue. This reveal is going to be epic, I'm not even going to tell my husband he will learn on the same day our friends and family find out.
I'm going to ask my best friend Destiny to help me get the party started for our gender reveal. Hopefully, Angel doesn't stop breathing once he learns we have not one but two boys being born now. After paying the cashier she handed me the bag and I joined the men waiting outside. While Angel drove us back to our house I sent a quick text to my best friend asking her to meet me back at the house so she could help me plan this party.
We arrived back home right around the same time Destiny pulled into our driveway. After we parked and climbed out of the car Vince grabbed my bag out of my hand and ran into the house. "Vince you halfwit bring my bag back here right now, I swear why I get my hands on him Angel I'm going to beat your brother with a rolled newspaper watch me. He did this one purpose he knows I'm too big to chase after him. Muy estupido"
Angel walked over to me pulling me into his warm embrace, "Bianca, he is just excited like the rest of us. But I'll go get him while you and Destiny start your party planning."
Leaving me behind with my helper for the day, Angel took off after his brother to get the ultrasound back from the nosy asshole. The doctor told us that we should be having our little boys in the next three months. But with the way my luck has been, I may not last these next few months. "Come on girl let's get the party on the road," I said, locking my elbow around Destiny's pulling her along with me into the house.
Once we made our way to Angel's private office we began our plans, don't ask me why but I was dead set on not telling Vince what the gender was. As we sat there talking about my doctor's appointment, Destiny kept making side glances at the door. What the hell is she so anxious about. Right before I could ask her the office door flung open and in walked Angel and with Vince in tow. My husband strolled over to me and kissed me on the forehead.
"What are you guys doing in here?" I asked.
"I don't know about Vince but I came in here to drag you away and make you come out and eat something," Angel said. Pulling me out of my seat, "let's go Lil momma you got a kid to feed."
To be honest, I don't think I will last that much longer. With the number of times, this baby keeps playing soccer with and flipping inside my womb, I can barely move as it is. Our baby shower is supposed to be this Friday. I hope we can make it through the shower before AJ and Malik decide to grace us with their grand appearance. "Angel please tell me you and that brother of yours already set up the nursery."
"Yes, my dear we already put everything together all Vince has to do now is paint the bedroom."
Why's he doing it alone?
Hmm, this may be the wrong time to tell you this, but I've been called back to Italy by your grandfather.
"Are you kidding me, doesn't he realize how close I am to delivering our baby? Tell him he can wait, the birth of our child is more important than anything he has up his sleeve right now."
Angel's POV
I really didn't want to tell Bianca about having to leave for Italy. I was hoping to wait until she had the baby. But her grandfather has been dealing with a difficult situation because of her idiot father. Word got to her father and his parents about Bianca being pregnant. Once again they're up to their old trick and trying to snatch their child. But knowing me. I kill her father before he tries anything towards my wife and child. The only other person who knows about this plan besides me is my brother Vince. And he's been sworn to silence. If he opens his mouth and leaks this new information out to Bianca, he gets demoted and sent to our uncle's boot camp in Mexico. How much fun would that be? There is another thing too: Vince doesn't think I know about what he's been up to. But I've seen how close he has gotten lately with Destiny. The side glances and secret smiles they share with each other when nobody is watching them. And I know my wife the second Bianca finds out he's keeping this secret from her. She will make Vince live to regret it. As she sees things, Vince is always up in our business and wants to know everything we do. So it's only fair for her to be kept up to date in his love life. What are sisters for, after all? Bianca has been his savior more times than I can remember, mainly trying to save him from my wrath.
Author's Note
Sorry about the long wait but we finally got it finished and tell me what you guys thought of this chapter. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share what you like best about the story so far. We all know there is always room for improvement, I can't change anything if I don't know what you found wrong with or what you liked about it.
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