Chapter One

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"A new summer night. The breeze is wonderful. The oceans are romantic. The sand is soothingly hot. The dewy sunlight makes it hard to see beyond what our dreams hold us to. "-Anonymous

Sarah Hill

"On the charges of a child on child sexual abuse in the second degree based on the evidence found at the defendant's home.." The Jury looked up before continuing the anticipating words. Everyone is in their best attire to hear an old man with a paper penalize Jay.

After another court hearing a few days ago for Oliver's father, I'm still shaken up. My luck was so bad I got used twice. It's no use blaming them anymore because it won't make it disappear.

I look down at my hands that have not stopped gripping the wood we stand behind. My lawyer's confidently awaiting the news. A light too bright hung above us all gave everyone a too good look at me. I'm sure there will be apologies.

The courtroom is confined to induce heat in late June. Oliver stood next to me. He's trying not to lose the anger inside him.

It makes him feel more at ease. The first he has ever seen him and, I've never seen more of a deadlier look given. The chestnut brown hair combed to the side. Not a single wrinkle is on his black suit. Oliver was discharged from the hospital three weeks ago. That doesn't stop me from treating him like glass.

"And we find the defendant in the court of California.." The loud voice of the Jury rang to my family member's ears along with the boy who took advantage of me in a closed room and had no justification of why.

Jay's parents grilled ten minutes in front of many witnesses including, Oliver's family. They pleaded their son is innocent. Good grades and no record of wrongdoing. What a liar they are. All I can recall is painful memories.

Papa is trying to fix Mom's drug addiction by applying for insurance to cover her bills if we send her to an institute. I don't know what I should believe in with Mom. I have not seen her at all. Max is on my other side with his hand on mine. The chubbier side of his cheeks is wet with tears. Sandy is trying to comfort him as best she can. I know he realized from the start I was not acting normal. I haven't been myself this whole year. I'm glad high school is behind me.

Now, the excruciating college life will be separating Oliver and me. I know it'll be a test on our relationship. But nothing was more of a wake-up call than seeing him stabbed instead of me.

"Guilty. The defendant will be sentenced to prison in the next week for five years." A gavel pound closed the case there. A scream ran out from Jay's mother. I've already jumped from the sound similar to when I cried for help from her son. He's not sixteen. His actual age is twenty-two.

The other judge trialed Oliver's father guilty based on past incidents he's committed with the same crime and charges for abusing Oliver. In this case, I didn't think we would win because I didn't go to the hospital to collect evidence. I'm glad everything worked out in the end.

Oliver turns to me. He's the first I hug before Papa, Sandy, Max. A hard look crossed their features. Nothing compared to me becoming a part time-parent to work a job before the lights cut off.

"It's done. None of them will touch you ever again," Oliver assured. The cologne I love hits my senses. My head is in his neck. The smooth feel of his hand around my dress shirt and flare pants is the best. A shaky sob breaks my throat. My hand wounds his neck to the back of his head. He's been sweating a lot.

Of course, he would be nervous for me. I am trying to shield my face from Jay because I can feel him still look at me the way he did that day. The officers escorted him with a crying mother pulling his arm. Oliver pulls away to look down at Max, who also wanted to be in the hug.

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