Chapter Four

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"You're insides want to be free but your mind constricts you. Your insides want more but your mind says no. Your insides are fed up but your mind has just started. A little help is all it takes for things to change. Temporarily."-Anonymous

Sarah Hill

Everything is changing in front of my eyes. They gave me weed by putting it in chocolate sauce. I never got the hint or knew it was in there. Nobody warned me or said anything. It was a setup. That was what Summer meant by 'Special.' Now, It's too late for me. I've never done drugs before. Fuck, I'm panicking. Everyone left and, I'm sitting on the cold concrete in front of Summer's house. There are streetlights from cars being incredibly bright to my eyes.

The honking of horns hurt my ears. I'm not sure how long I've sat here with an unsteady breath and blurry vision. Tears are ready to spill from my eyes. I keep blinking to see better. My body is visibly shaking. The ground below me seems like it's moving downwards. My phone vibrates from an incoming call. Oliver is calling me. The bright phone screen looks larger than usual. I catch a glimpse of my reflection. My eyes are red.

"Hey, butterscotch." I hear his sweet tone once I pick up.

" sexy..petunia..," I slur. My feet knock together on the pavement. If I look up, I'll see a rainbow-colored sky. I'm hot, so hot. I don't see anyone I know to take me home.

"Baby, are you drunk?" Oliver asks me curiously.

"Me? I look like a drunkard to you!? I had some weed," I drag out my words. A nervous giggle follows after. My heart is beating so fast I think it might explode. It's so hard for me to speak. All I'm saying is gibberish.

How do people enjoy being high? I feel like shit.

"Weed? You don't do weed, Sarah. Your anxiety might flare-up. Who gave you weed and, why would you take it?" Oliver interrogates me. For a short while, I feel in control of my words. Then I remember that this was all because they didn't like me. Betty may have known and believed I knew. I don't put it past Darcy and Summer to lie.

What if someone tries to kidnap me?

I don't have my pepper spray. It's getting pitch dark. I'm sure Summer is not letting me inside with what she did. I'm scared. "I had...chocolate..berry. A special one from Summer's party b-but now I can't find my way home," I whimper. Oliver's footsteps are faint in the background.

"Okay, hang tight. If you can, send me your location. Don't hang up." I sniffle in response then press a button to share my location with him.

"I know my kitty's tight. It's rude of you to say it hangs." I look at a stick that's on the ground. It oddly resembles a middle finger. A ding comes from his end.

"That is not what I mean. Never mind, I'm coming to get you," he told me. The call ends with a long beep. A turn of my head to the sky. I see a pig flying.

Does a pig have wings? Is it a bird?

"Hello, little piggy," I lay on the cool grass. It soothed my feverish body. I'm not quite sure how long I spent looking at the sky. All I can think about is nothing. I'm trying to focus but, it's hard. A loud honk makes me sit up. Oliver parked in front of me. The bright lights are on. I can hear him get out and stand near me.

"Sarah, you don't look so good. Can you walk?" He takes my hand to pull me up. Right before my eyes, Oliver starts to look like a donkey.

"I-Uhm..can't walk. I can do the Hokey Pokey, though," I giggle again. Oliver watches me with a concerned face.

"No time for dancing. We're getting you sober right now," he uttered. With a quick arm around my waist, he picked me up. My body is over his broad shoulders. Exactly, like the time at the carnival.

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