Chapter Twenty-three

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Oliver Richardson

Three Days Later...

It's Max's birthday. The heat has died down. The wind is not as strong. It's rather gloomy now for summer. I'm fixing my collared shirt in the mirror. Mama's watching me from my doorway. "Your step-father was always this particular about his clothes," she mentions. I turn to look at her. My hand runs through my hair.

"Really?" I ask. She nods and hands me a bag along with my present for Max. The news played this morning. I heard Fredrick was found. He was found by an old lady and said to be kidnapped. They investigated the place he recalled. It was Darcy's home. I know because she never stops talking about it in class. Summer, Darcy, including their father, was arrested for kidnapping and drug dealing. That was instant karma.

Frederick was identified a day later as the robber at that store Sarah went to. I texted her to ask if she heard and she did. They were hiding their face on screen and everything. Expect the unexpected. I never knew he was like that. My shoes are new and tied tightly. The jeans I'm wearing today match my shirt. I watch my mama go to dust the back of my shirt, but I move away.

"It's fine. I'm good." I rest my stuff down to grab my jacket and slip my phone in my jeans. I don't want her pity help. She's just feeling bad for her own decisions. Mama had turned away and gone down the stairs. I walk out of my room and stand by Audrey's door.

"Audrey!" I call for her. She opens her door and watches my outfit. She's in a colorful shirt and joggers. I see the present in her hand wrapped with a tiny bow.

"Let's go," I say, walking down the stairs. Audrey follows me behind and waves to Mama.

"We'll be back in two hours," Audrey let her know. Mama waves back and resumes making fruit salads. I take my time watching how much the lawns look clean. There are a few kids outside who play with bubbles whenever the sun peeks out. Some houses are doing cooking with neighbors, etc.

We walked until we got to Sarah's house two blocks or three blocks further. I knock on the door. I feel my nerves jumping about. I wonder if I smell okay. It shouldn't be what's on my mind with the night I had last night. I didn't sleep a lot thinking about what I wanted to do for my college life. Where Sarah can be an easy puzzle piece to complete instead of not fitting at all. She's the only one I loved before and the first girlfriend I've had. Maybe, I'm not mature enough or resilient.

Audrey puts on her best smile as we walk towards their house. The front door opens. I step forward with the gifts in hand. Max is standing there in a blazer and shirt with blue pants. He looks more sophisticated than usual.

"Happy Birthday," Audrey and I say at the same time. He smiles a big teeth grin and takes the gifts.

"Thank you! Come in," He moves aside. We walk inside. The sound of kid's music and the decorations of trucks, action figures, superheroes, litter the dining table and walls as a backdrop. I rest my presents with the others there. Audrey goes to talk with Max. I walk up to Sarah's father.

"Hello, sir," I shake his hand. He doesn't look mad this time. His face etched to a firm smile. I let go and feel Sarah come hug me.

"Hey, butterscotch." I squeeze her tight. She giggles and pulls away. Her dress is a simple color of baby blue with the back having a slit. Her hair is pulled up with some curls dropping.

"Hi, is your day going okay?" She asks. I nod and keep her close. Her father walks away to talk to Sandy.

"We decided to be early. I wouldn't want to miss Max's ninth," I let her know. She nods happily and takes my hand to where Max is.

"Birthday boy. Fierce as always," I smile. Max dusts off his shoulders.

"Audrey hasn't seen a man until me," he says with a wink. I raise my brow and look back at my sister. She's on her phone and only looks up seeing Max and I stare at her. I don't mind their friendship.

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