Chapter Twenty

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"Confrontation is key to the truth. It'll give you what you want to know and leave you broken."-Anonymous

Sarah Hill

I finished helping Papa with the cake and getting some party bags started. We are as ready as we'll ever be. He asked about my attack and if I'm okay. I told him I am but he just gave me a look like he was still processing it. I went up to my room and took a shower before dinner. I forgot to do my affirmations but I got them in before dinner. I ate Ham sandwiches with soda.

Max and I talked and talked about random things until he got tired. He went to bed and Papa did too. I asked him about Mom before he did.

"How's Mom? Can she come home yet?" I ask. Papa sighs.

"Yeah, we're hoping if she keeps improving with the withdrawal and all. She looked good when I went to see her. She was happy to get the books," Papa smiles. He hasn't smiled in a long time.

I'm walking up the stairs to my room trying to listen in. Everyone is still asleep so I quietly go back down slip on my shoes and grab my phone from the counter. I'm going to confront Summer tonight. Right now. I think back on how we met and how much she hasn't changed.

Max won't become a bad person because I won't let him. I want him to learn to be strong and be honest about things and how you feel. Seek others and help when you need it.

I'm making this trip worthwhile. The address to Summer's place is still in my memory. She lives on Windle Lane in a big fancy house.

Yes, that sounds right. Taking a bus will be too long. I want to get this over with now. I feel my feet pick up the pace and, my heart race. The time is getting closer tonight.

After a while, I'm out of breath from crossing three streets and dizzy. I need to get there so I can make things right. I have to stop being a burden. My feet drive into action for another few steps. The heat is making walking in sneakers, hard. I can finally see the sign, 'Windle lane.'

I immediately turn down that road. It's stormy and dark with heavy clouds. My outfit is not designed for this weather. I'm practically shivering. A big fancy house with the waterfall in front and sculptures is up ahead. Summer better be ready. I have my hand knocking not once but twice.

Then I ring the doorbell once, twice, three- "Yes!?" Summer yells from far away. I can hear her feet pad closer to the door. The noise grows closer until the door is open. A robe is tied tightly to her.

"Sarah..what a nice surprise. What are you...doing here?" She plasters a fake smile and brushes off her hair. The heat from her house is making how I feel a lot worse. In the background, her baby is in a swing.

"I don't have time for this bitch," I say in the lowest voice I can muster. Summer's face scowls. Her hand grips the knob to close the door but, I push it wide open.

"I hope you don't mind that I invite myself in. You don't mind inviting yourself in between me and my boyfriend's relationship," I smile sweetly.

"Okay! Listen up. You're tracking dirty water into my house. Second, my Dad can come down at any minute and have you off my property," She crosses her arms. I'm not letting her go. I won't let another issue tie me up. I can't move on without doing this.

"Cry me a river. I don't care about your Dad or your wealth. I was once like this. I had everything, guess what? Everyone pretends to care about you. In reality, they act like you. Selfish, manipulative people that come to make other people's lives hell," I say to her face.

Summer's face, freshly clean, beautified, started to cry. A gurgling noise coming from her child caused me to turn. Then her daughter fell back asleep.

"Juliet is one sick girl and, you know it. Darcy knows it. And still, you can't leave the people I love alone!" I argued. I don't care anymore. Enough is enough. A door from upstairs creaks.

"Summer? Is that your friend or something?" Her Dad asks gruffly. Summer's nose flares up with steam spewing. Her palms grow in fists.

"Everything is fine. Sarah wanted to have a chat," She grits. I smile as they've done in the past. They mocked me. They attacked Oliver. They made up lies about my family.

Worst of all, Juliet, Summer, Darcy made my life a living hell while they sat back and watched. "Okay, hun. Keep it down," he says from behind a banister. He looks down at me and walks away.

Summer throws an eye over her baby before talking, "Sarah, Juliet wanted this, not us. You should take it up with her because she was arrested, and she threatened us to continue what she didn't finish. But, I wouldn't bother now because she's in a prison cell." That sounds about right. Juliet is looking to finish her dirty work. It's crazy how one friend can turn your life upside down.

"So, you do as she says? It's stupid considering, you bullied me in the past. You have no self-esteem like Juliet. That's why she targeted you and Darcy. I'm just asking for you to end this. Now," I bellow.

My shoes had turned her white welcome mat dirty. The warm heat thaws my shivering body. Summer's eyes well up even more than before. She's got her leg tapping and her hair to the side.

"Okay, you're right, Sarah. I'm screwed up and, everyone else is. We just wanted to stay out of harm's way. We would have never thought that after what she said Oliver would be s-stabbed. There was so much blood," Summer cried.

"Is that a yes that you will end this? Will you tell Darcy to let go of this?" I ask, watching her intently. She wipes her nose and folds her arms.

"Yeah..okay. I'll stop her. I'm sorry that this happened to you. I'm to blame and, so is Darcy," She comes closer to put a hand on my shoulder.

"Before you go, Darcy is holding someone hostage. Fredrick. I'll try to stop her before something bad happens," She opens the front door. I raise my eyes and take her hand off my shoulder.

"What do you mean Fredrick is with Darcy? Did she take him because of me?" I look at her with wide eyes. The whole time Fredrick was missing, Darcy held him captive.

"Yes, something like that. It was her idea and, nobody could stop her because there was no evidence."

"I gotta go," I rush out the door. Summer follows me out.

"I wouldn't save him if I were you. There's a  reason why he is there and there's also a reason why he never told you," she says snarkily.

God, Fredrick is in this too? How many people have I hurt? What is that supposed to mean? Fredrick is my friend he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. He's only ever been nice and happy to see me at his parties. It does not make sense why he would hide something from me.

 It does not make sense why he would hide something from me

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The Nerd Has A Boner 2: Summer DeedsWhere stories live. Discover now