Chapter Seven

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"Your worst nightmare could come straight to your door or through a phone call. Whichever one it is, leaves confusion and trouble in its wake. You'll dread the next time because their intentions will be something you never expected."-Anonymous

Oliver Richardson

Audrey sat next to me hearing, the same thing as me. Fredrick is still missing and it isn't a joke anymore. He hasn't turned up and those corrupted officers could be anywhere. Audrey looks at the TV, worried. Her head snaps to mine waiting, for my thoughts. I lean back with a hand pulling at my hair.

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry. He'll turn up soon," I assure her. Her head bobs slowly. My mama moves from the kitchen to stand next to the TV with her hand on her hip.

"That's something. You know parents didn't like him. A party boy. Now, he's missing," she exclaims.

Max's birthday is this month. Audrey told me earlier today. They are planning a small party at his place.

The news pauses for a break of ads. I get up and excuse myself to my room. The heat inside of this house is atrocious. The air conditioning helps somewhat. It's the humidity that's terrible. I'm thinking Audrey and how's she felt about dad. She acts nonchalant but, I know it bothers her.

Whenever Dad's brought up, Audrey goes to her room. It's her way of blocking out the truth. We kept it from her. She has a right to be upset. With Max around, she has someone to distract her.

Lately, I haven't been okay since the incident. The memories scared me more than I show them. I don't want Sarah to be worried or my Mama. She's been working hard as a single mother. I don't want her to be more worried because I'll be less of a burden in no time. I'm just the stranger staying at a family's house for a couple of weeks.

The cleaning and working is a lot for her. When I'm home, I help with the cleaning. I can deal with this on my own. At least, I hope I can. My phone and keys are in my pocket. I open my closet to take out a pair of sneakers.

They slip on as I tie them tightly. Sarah and what happened last night keeps running through my head. My mama never found out because I was quiet enough.

I got Sarah home and it makes me feel better she didn't get in danger. She can be so trusting and it worries me. I think her confidence is improving. Slowly but surely, she is making big amounts of progress. Her eating is getting there but stress puts a strain on it. I can tell. It just takes time for her to be stronger on her own. I think that if she got a permanent break, it would do her a lot of relief.

I'm not a doctor so, I can't say medication or therapy is what she wants and needs. Sarah is happy when she's around me and I'm her backbone. I know that being there for her is the best I can do. I won't pet her too much where she's clingy but I won't watch her fall.

I'm jogging down the stairs and walking past my mama. "Where are you going?" She asks me while cutting a watermelon into slices.

"I'm going for a run. I'll be back later," I wave. The front door closes behind me before it locked. The heat hits me like an open oven. I pick up the pace in my running. The sun is down and, somehow, there's still light to the sky. It's quiet except for the passing cars and buses. I'm planning to buy a new journal.

I've finished the journal Sarah gave me. I think I'll gift it to her before we part for college. It's filled to the brim with my thoughts and fears. I wouldn't show anyone except her because she knows. She's listened from the start without judging me. It's why I love her.

I'm thinking about what I want to do after college. I have to have a plan. I don't even think college is something I'm ready for yet. I want to see so many places after what happened to me. I want to visit New York, Michigan, Atlanta, etc. They might even open up opportunities for me to get a gig with writing and project my story. My life is still not done being written. I fear it all coming to an end too quickly. The street where I got attacked is ahead of me. I always tense up and look around.

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