Chapter Twelve

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"Leaving the place you call home is like leaving where you once were comfortable. Now you are making yourself adjust to a home of no memories or warm feelings. Just hollowness."-Anonymous

Sandy Hill

Every wall I stare at is bland. There are no more punk rock posters or childish quotes about working smarter and not harder. They're all packed away or in the garbage. The bedsheets are temporary. My favorite ones are already stored. Mostly everything that made this my room is in a box. I'll be making my first ever apartment my home now.

It's small and overlooks a deserted area that leads a few blocks to my job. I would have my life figured out if I didn't jump at the opportunity to show off. I haven't kept up with social media resulting in a decline in followers. They don't care who I am. It's just another post or inside look of the person I let them see. I should have everything figured out.

My life is in shambles of bad decisions. I would be lying if I didn't say that hearing my college friends in a six-figure job and not depending on their families made me jealous. Sarah won't become me.

The girl ran away from being a model because her manager manipulated her. It sounds like a story that I made up if they weren't there. Derrick was there and, it didn't matter. The mistakes I made caused me to be where I am.

The only thing I can do is move forward. Last night was the hottest it has been for summer. My body is operating on one bowl of cereal. So far, I'm doing good. I have a couple of clothes left to pack in a suitcase. My Mother's speech in a message was heartfelt. She said it with honesty and sincerity compared to the last times.

We never talked about the day I called her for help. It's such a sensitive subject for me. I am surprised she didn't insist on me going to the police. Sarah wasted no time in telling me how sorry she felt. I should feel sorry for putting myself in that situation.

There was a choice for me to leave. I stayed for the money. My papa does not know a thing. Every time we cross paths, nothing happens. No type of conversation or anything. We've grown apart or, I'm growing up. I am too old for bedtime stories and kisses goodbye at school. It's time to say goodbye.

My childhood memories are all playing at the same time. The floor had scratches from the time dad fell from sliding on socks. My mom's game of hiding and seek always cheered me up. Suddenly, the bad memories start pouring in. Mom and dad's arguments used to continue for hours before they realized I heard.

The moving truck is coming to take all of the boxes except for my suitcase. I hurry out of my room to stop the livid thoughts. Sarah is now coming out of her room. Her hair is messy and, she has sleep marks on her arms. Someone got a good night's sleep. It's rare I ever see her this well-rested. Each box that's in my room is in the hallway for me to pick up.

"Morning, care to join me for our final goodbyes downstairs?" I ask. She yawns with a hand over her mouth.

Sarah rolled her eye dramatically, "It's not a goodbye. I can always visit."

"Shush, we have to make this sentimental like the last episode of vampire diaries," I dismiss her words. The suitcase I'm tugging slides down each stair. Papa lifts a heavy box to carry to the van.

"Are sure this is what you want? You can stay longer. There is no need to rush." Her furrow of a brow bothers me.

"Yes, I'm way too old to be living here. And, I didn't mean what I said about moving out. I want to branch out with what I have left of me. Start somewhere new and fresh. I'll be eight miles from here. No need to fret," I exclaim. The moving company is outside taking the boxes. They pick up what is on the porch to load into the van.

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