Chapter Three

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"Give a heart to your friend. Give a heart to your loved ones. Or, set one of the hearts you give with poison, and still would you give it to a loved one?"-Anonymous

Sarah Hill

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. That's how many shelves I've restocked. Another box of pasta slides behind the close to expired ones. A cardboard box has many boxes of Velveeta to unload. Luckily the air is cool in here than being outside organizing carts. I am still grateful to have this job. I pay my phone bill and need pocket money. My uniform is a short-sleeved shirt and black shorts. The grocery's logo is on it. Not too shabby.

People are bustling for different items like ribs, drinks, snacks. It's everything you would need for a summer party or to stock up. My mother's choices are the only thing I haven't thought about until now. She was so hooked on drugs that she cheated on Papa for money to get more. Unbelievable. Wow, and she's the one who birthed me. I'm not disappointed but guilty.

What could have driven her to it?

There was always an argument when I was younger. Max was a newborn and in every conversation. They either were complaining of pointless things or creating problems to argue. It was one or the other. Maybe she needed a break so bad that she felt drawn to it. None of us would have thought that was happening. I finished packing the Velveeta. I move down the aisle to organize the array of gift cards. Today is so boresome.

During rush hour, I work the cash register. On regular days, I pack shelves. Sandy went with Max out to see a new movie in theaters. Papa is supposedly handling business calls for potential clients looking for a new house. As for my mother, who knows. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Brandon Wills with his girlfriends?

"Sarah, you look different. You know we're all going to be college freshmen soon. How's everything?" He hooks his hand around two girl's necks. They held in their giggles as if their drunk. It's only twelve in the evening. The jeans are low-waisted with a thong showing. They are matching with a bikini top.

"I am doing fine. Why do you suddenly want to talk to me?" I shoot back a question to him. This guy is such a player. He got Summer pregnant and left her for two new women. I bet they would leave him if they knew he has a child.

" aren't still with that Oliver guy, right?" He smacks one of the girl's asses that was feeling up his chest. She squeals loudly.

"I am and not planning to be single anytime soon. Bye, and by the way, I hope you remember your child," I mention. The cards are behind me once I start walking away. The two girls that were around him huffed and walked away. Brandon is irritated. As I'm walking to find something else to organize for the next two hours, I get a call.

"Hello?" I hold my phone to my ears. My boss walks out from her office to signal the empty shelves a few steps from me.

"Hey, I'm having a pool party. You need to be there. It's going to be the best one thrown. My father's also barbecuing and making fondu," Summer yelled excitedly. I listened to her tell the rest of the details. It's a girls-only party. Betty is going to be there too. I don't have anything planned for the rest of the day after work.

"Sure, I'll be there," I tell her. Summer says she will pick me up before the call ends. I continue the rest of my workday. My hard work earned me a bonus. I'm proud of myself for being this independent. The sun is still up and, the heat is scorching. Summer's pink Ferrari stands out in the parking lot.

"Hey, girl!" I wave. She unlocks the door.

"Sarah, your place first?" She asks. The seatbelt comes around me as it clicks. I nod my head. The car starts and, she drives off with the directions I give her.

The Nerd Has A Boner 2: Summer DeedsWhere stories live. Discover now