Chapter Ten

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"When you have brick walls all around you, don't be afraid to try and look beyond them. The help you need can only reach you if you do it first."- Anonymous

Betty Winkle

I'm not sure how long I was locked in that room. I've carried down two sandwiches and a full glass of juice. My phone was allowed to be turned on minutes ago. That's when I got the chance to message Sarah. It showed that the message read. My parents are watching me this minute. The crumbs from my sandwich are around my lips. My glass is still in hand. I haven't brushed my hair in hours.

The light was blinding coming out of that room. But, I've learned my lesson. I don't go against them. It only leads to punishments like this. I have never been more embarrassed than today. Nobody ever talks about strict religious parents because of the backlash it may get or hate.

At school, everyone claims to make me out to be a quiet girl. I'm so much more than that on the inside. I have so many dreams and stories conjured in my head where I'm free to do as I please with my caution and to socialize without fear.

Worse yet, if I had a boyfriend, he would not last a chance in my world. That's why I'm by myself. I learn to be by myself, or it'll cause problems. I used to try to buy clothes I liked and wear them to school but of course, my parents would find out every day I sneak to my moped. Then, the things I make sure to keep to myself are when my ripped jeans are questioned to be certain sexuality or if my outfit is making me seem like someone I'm not. So what if I listen to inappropriate music and have provocative thoughts. So what if I like all types of things.

The thoughts my parents call 'wrong" stay in my head. Instead, I cautiously push away my seat and excuse myself to my room. My feet pick up speed, so they don't have to say anything. My room door stays open. I can hear every prayer that recites not to lust, curse, sin. I can feel the wet splotch on my pillow from tears, recalling how Summer and Darcy laugh at me.

They are a bunch of assholes. Tomorrow, I'll have to collect my moped and do my usual routine. Complying. I can't shed any tears. Else, they'll think I'm weak. I lay on top of my bed with my limbs curled up and shaking. The strands of my hair shield my vision of the place I don't feel at home. The soft padding of my bed comes from Scooby. He pushes himself closer to me with his hand to mine. My hands hover over Scooby. His eyes look at my hand before licking it.

"You're the only one. Even you can't help me." I feel some comfort knowing he's still here. But, there's none because I'm alone in this. Forever alone. Unlike everyone else, I'm not eighteen. My birthday has to land at the end of July. I can't just haul my few items and run away like some teens. The escape is a barricade. Slowly, my eyes shut and, my breathing relaxes. I fall asleep.

Sarah Hill

After I got myself together, Oliver straightened himself. My body still tingles from the aftershocks of what we did earlier. Oliver's face hasn't dropped from a satisfied smile. The strands of my hair tucked behind my ear. It's pitch dark. I am fighting to stay awake with my eyes open.

"How was it?" He asks.

"Good. Sleepy. You?" I mumble. My head rests on my pillow with Oliver next to me. Oliver flashes a cocky smile. He's probably got work tomorrow. I know I do. Today was an enjoyable today. Nonetheless, there were no negatives.

"I liked it and I'm happy you wanted to do it. Are you excited to move in for college?" He asks in a whisper.

"Yes and no. You know why I say no but I'm also happy I'll be in a new environment." Oliver nods nonchalantly.

"A new environment means more things to do. Hopefully, good influences and what I can't do in person," he said in all seriousness.

"Yeah, that too." I can't call him every second of the day. That's called being a bother. Oliver has a life and a summer. He puts a hand to my waist. I feel him drum his fingers up and down.

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