Chapter Sixteen

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"Lovers can make up. Lovers can fight. Lovers can shower their needs through passion. Lovers can keep afloat if their love is strong enough."-Anonymous

Fredrick Gonzalez

The guards have been watching every single breath, noise, sigh I make. I'm not sure when I will have a chance to break free from their murderous staring I can feel from behind me. Darcy hasn't come into the basement since she told me her revenge plan.

They check my wrists every night before leaving me in this dark basement. I don't want to re-live the moments when my stomach grumbled in dire hunger. Anything sounds good right about now. At night, I don't sleep. I think of every scenario that can happen if I try to escape. I practice at night on untying my wrists in hopes one day the guards might slip up.

In the daytime, I stare at a blank wall for twelve hours. It has dawned on me every day that I did not get to graduate. My father would be disappointed in me. So would my mother. She died giving birth to me. Her face from photos I can picture is a look of regret and shame for me. I don't even know what the weather is like or how anyone is doing.

I'm in a fucked up situation because of my actions and for being Sarah's friend. She has no clue what will hit her next. Juliet will not stop until her twisted friends take everything. The way Darcy spoke seems like Juliet isn't able to do her dirty work. That must mean she is either arrested or on the run.

These fucking guards are so sick that they sometimes laugh and make jokes. Everyone in town must know I am missing for who knows how long. It's hard to keep checked when you're a kidnapped ex-drug dealer. I bet it's hot outside or raining pouring.

As a kid, I loved the rain because my dad would tell me stories. Mostly of when he was younger. We didn't have the money to go outside and go places every day.

My father used his savings to buy that house. He worked as a customer service representative before he was fired and let go. Just like that, my father had no job. The reason was he didn't want me to grow up in Oceanside and feel like I didn't belong.

My father did a lot, and in return, I thought getting cash would help him. Then, I got into partying because school was becoming stressful. His job help us not have to worry about having electricity cut off. We made things work. I have a lot of time on my hands now to think about every life choice I could have done better.

Well, procrastinating is not going to get me out of here. I'm going to have to fight back. The smart way.

Sarah Hill

"We can't do this here. I'm sorry," I halt Oliver's hands that play with my top.

"You're right. We can at my place. My Mama is out at work and Audrey is at Summer camp," Oliver buttoned one of the buttons going down my shirt. He leans back from me to look into my eyes, letting me make my decision.

"We could go but I feel bad leaving Max here by himself," I say, unsure.

"Another time, maybe?" He asks. They say you should take a spontaneous risk now and then and, this is mine. Just as Oliver is asking me, I hear keys jingle and Papa's footsteps. I'm glad the door isn't locked or closed. I walk out there with Oliver. Max runs down to see what he got.

"Mom would love these," Max says as he looks through the different books. He's also got Canoli in another bag which Max has already gotten his hands on.

"Go wash up and I'll put it on a plate. Sarah, I saw Oliver's-" Papa turns to watch him. Max walks up the stairs and past us to the bathroom.

"Oh, I saw your car and was wondering what you were doing here...alone with my daughter." Oliver gulps and scratches his neck.

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