Chapter Six

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"Having a sibling is like having a shoulder to lean on. A guide through tough times. The light in the dark. Most of all, the leader when there is none."-Anonymous

Sarah Hill

The faint yelling of my sister hurts my eardrums. My head is pounding and, I'm not sure why. What exactly happened? The night before, I went to work then to a party. Maybe, nothing happened at all.

So, why do I get the feeling that something did?

I'm sweaty from my legs up. The blankets are stuck to me uncomfortably. The ceiling fan isn't running. Does the window show that it's morning or afternoon? Great, I have no memory or clues as to what happened. Sandy is outside my door, talking to Max in a hushed whisper. On the bedside table, I can see my phone buzzing. I slowly get up to a rush of dizziness. Fuck you, low iron. I walk to the door and open it to reveal them both flustered.

"What are you guys doing?" I look at them, confused. Max is still in pajamas. Sandy is wearing a romper.

"We were just about to remind you something that you did. Last night," she says slowly. Damn it. Was I drunk? I don't drink and how would they know?

"What was it?" I chew on my nail nervously.

"Papa kept talking about it all morning. Oliver brought you here after you were high and he left. He also thinks it's absurd you would stop your medication just because it makes you feel worse." After hearing her, I recall everything. The fondu and the weed Summer gave me. I also begged Oliver for se-

"Oh, crap. I should say my apologies." I start to walk past them when Sandy stops me. Max shakes his head and turns to Sandy.

"You did a lot of that last night. A lot," she sympathized.

"Dad doesn't want to hear another apology. I think he's dealing with a lot because of Mom and this made him disappointed," Max said.

"You should take Max out. He's been talking non-stop about this Audrey girl to Dad. You might get on his good side," she whispers. Max has taken a liking to Audrey. She's a nice girl and keeps Max company.

"I hope this isn't a trick. I'll do it," I say. Speak of the devil. Papa is right behind Max.

"It isn't. It would be nice of you to help him learn. I have to take some calls from the institute to find out if Mom is settled," Papa mentioned. Max jumps in glee. I nod my head and take the chance to slip back into my room and shut the door.

Gosh, this day started with a bang, specifically, my head. I walk to my bathroom and grab some painkillers. I swallow it with the bottle of water on my nightstand. Betty and her parents must be on bad terms. They seemed upset last night. I'll call her to see how she's doing. I've got a message from Oliver and no other notifications. The screen slides up and, I dial Betty's number. Another knock goes to the door.

"Phone, please." Papa is standing tapping his foot.

"Can I call my friend first? She went to the party and I want to just make sure she's good," I tell him. He nods and waits for me. The phone rings for seconds until someone picks up.

"Yes, who is this speaking?" The person's voice is a woman. It's her mother.

"Sarah, her friend. How is she doing?" I ask. Her mother goes silent for a bit. Loud noises of shuffling and clicking are coming from the other end.

"I can call back tomorrow," I say.

"No, don't. Betty is sleeping. Everything's good," her mother rushes out.

"Okay, please, tell her to call me later, Mrs. Winkle." She replies with a mumble of "Okay" before hanging up. Her mother is hiding something. I can see the telltale signs because my parents do the same thing. I put my phone in Papa's hand with a peach smile. He goes downstairs.

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